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《灵界经历》 第3863节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3863

3863. As for the progression of the general natural sense in the face, that it first filled the whole face, then the left side of the face, finally only the ear, I have just been inspired to realize that at one time, when people were in a state of integrity, so to speak, the natural working, i.e. that of the cerebellum, was showing at once in their whole face, both the changes in their feelings, or of heavenly things, which pertain to the right side of the face, and of spiritual things, which pertain to the left side of the face. When good feelings ceased, and only filthy desires took their place, then the natural operation into the right side of the face withdrew and betook itself into the left side. When feelings of goodness ceased and only foul desires took their place, then the spontaneous operation into the right side of the face withdrew and passed to the left side, into which it acts from spiritual principles, thus in reverse order, i.e. not from heavenly to spiritual qualities, or from right to left, but from spiritual to heavenly ones, thus from the left. But from left to right, or from spiritual to heavenly qualities is not permitted. So the right side of the face is guarded by the Lord, lest they extend themselves thither from the left - which is evident from the faith, namely, that it is a faith devoid of affection for goodness, which faith is not permitted to enter into feelings of goodness, and so neither into heavenly qualities, and it has therefore been separated and is at this day a faith of knowledge, or of memory, by virtue of which people want to enter heaven, even though they lack the affection for goodness, or love. For they imagine that if only they have faith, they are saved, when their life is opposed to it and consists of mere passions.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3863

3863. As to what related to the progression of the general natural sense into the face - that it first occupied the whole face, afterwards the left part of the face, and at length the ear only - it is now given me to perceive that formerly when men were, as it were, in a state of integrity, then the natural operation, especially of the cerebellum, was immediately shown in the whole face, as much the changes of their affections or celestial principles, which pertain to the right side of the face, as of their spiritual workings, which belong to the left side of the face. When the affections of good ceased, and were succeeded by vile cupidities only, then the natural operation into the right part of the face receded, and betook itself to the left, into which it, acted from spiritual principles, thus in inverted order, that is, not from celestial promptings to spiritual, or from the right to the left, but from spirituals to celestials, thus from the left; but it is not lawful to proceed from left to right, or from spirituals to celestials, wherefore the right side of the face is guarded by the Lord, that [the influx] may not extend itself thither from the left, which appears from faith, that faith is without the affection of good, to which faith it is not granted to enter into the affections of good, thus into celestial things, on which account it is separated, and at this day faith is scientific, or of the memory, by which men wish to enter heaven, although destitute of any affection of good, or love; for they suppose that provided they have faith they will be saved, when [at the same time] their life may be contrary and [made up] of mere cupidities.

Experientiae Spirituales 3863 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3863. Quod progressionem attinet, sensus communis naturalis in facie, quod primum occupavit totam faciem, dein sinistram partem faciei, tandem modo aurem, nunc mihi datum percipere, quod olim homines cum fuerunt quasi in statu integritatis, tunc naturalis operatio, proinde cerebelli, ostendebatur illico in tota facie, tam mutationes ejus affectionum, seu coelestium, quae sunt faciei dextrae, quam spiritualium, quae sunt faciei sinistrae; cum affectiones boni cessarunt, et successerunt modo cupiditates foedae, tunc recessit operatio naturalis in faciei partem dextram et se recepit in sinistram, in quam a spiritualibus agit, ita ordine inverso, nempe non a coelestibus ad spiritualia, seu a dextro ad sinistrum, sed a spiritualibus ad coelestia, sic a sinistro, sed non licet a sinistro ad dextrum, seu a spiritualibus ad coelestia; quare custoditur facies dextra a Domino, ne ex sinistro illuc se extendant, quod constat ex fide, quod fides sit absque affectione boni, cui fidei non licet intrare in affectiones boni, sic in coelestia, quare separata est, et hodie est fides scientifica, aut memoriae, per quam volunt intrare in coelum, tametsi nulla affectio boni, seu amor; nam putant si modo fidem habeant, quod salventur, cum vita contraria sit, mere cupiditatum.

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