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《灵界经历》 第3864节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3864

3864. That it removed itself toward the ear means that it stops there at this day and is only a faith from hearing, consequently of the memory. By these thing in general it is symbolized that it is no longer known by means of a spontaneous inflow of the mind or spirit, thus of the feelings, into the extremes [of the body] what a person is like inwardly. For when inward and outward qualities are in agreement, then they show themselves in the face, as they do with the inhabitants of other earths who speak with the face, so that they are able to learn from their face what their feelings, both heavenly and spiritual, are - so the face speaks.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3864

3864. By this influx betaking itself towards the ear is signified that at this day it there subsists, and that it is merely a faith from hearing, hence of the memory. By the whole process in general is signified the inward quality of the man through the natural influxes of the mind [mens] or the mind [animus], hence of the affections, into the extremes [of the body], for when the interiors and exteriors agree, then they manifest themselves in the face, as with the inhabitants of other earths, who speak by the face, so that by the face might be known what are their affections, both celestial and spiritual; causing the face to speak.

Experientiae Spirituales 3864 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3864. Quod se receperit versus aurem, significat quod ibi subsistat hodie, et quod sit modo fides ex auditu, proinde memoriae; quibus sic in genere significatur, [quod non amplius sciatur,] per mentis seu animi, proinde affectionum influxus naturales in extrema, qualis homo intus, nam cum interiora et exteriora concordant, tunc ea in facie se manifestant, sicut apud aliarum tellurum incolas, qui facie loquuntur, sic ut ex facie scire queant quae eorum affectiones tam coelestes quam spirituales, sic ut facies loquatur.

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