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《灵界经历》 第3865节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3865

3865. The next thing shown was how matters stand today in regard to the inflow into the face that is not natural, but feigned, and thus pretending to be natural, when in fact it is voluntary and put on, thus imitative of a natural impulse. For people contract from practice the habit and thence the nature of simulating goodness in the face while thinking evil. Such facial simulation is so common today, that there are those who entirely so to speak counterfeit [a good] nature, some more and some less, so that one cannot tell otherwise than that they think [as they speak]even though there still appears to be with many some residue of what is natural.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3865

3865. It was afterwards shown how, at this day, the case is with influx into faces, which influxes are not natural, but fictitious, and thus simulated as if natural, when yet they are voluntary, assumed, and thus aping the natural; for man from custom contracts the habit, and thence the nature, of simulating good in the face, while he thinks evil, which simulation of face is at this day so common, that there are those who altogether feign their nature, as it were, some more and some less, so that it cannot be known but that one is as his thought is, although as yet there is a residuum of [true] nature with many.

Experientiae Spirituales 3865 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3865. Ostensum dein est, quomodo se hodie habent influxus in facies, qui sunt influxus non naturales, sed fictitii et sic simulati quasi naturales, cum tamen sunt voluntarii, adsciti, et sic imitantes naturales, nam contrahit homo ex consuetudine habitum et inde naturam, ut simulet facie bonum, et cogitat malum, quae faciei simulatio tam communis hodie est, ut sint qui prorsus effingunt quasi naturam, ut sciri nequeat aliter ac [quod] sic quoque cogitet, alii plus, alii minus, tametsi adhuc apud plerosque patet aliquid residuum naturale.

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