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《灵界经历》 第3866节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3866

3866. It was shown of what quality those are at this day who relate to the general natural sense. There now followed an inflow that was not a resounding murmur, but the chilly inflow of those who relate at this day to the general natural sense - into the whole face, both the right and the left side of it. The inflow was quick, back and forth, vibrating, consisting of rather sharp intervals, flowing in this manner. It both began and terminated around the eyes, stretching out as it were from the left eye, thence into the face.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3866

3866. It was shown of what quality they are, at this day, who have relation to the general natural sense. An influx succeeded which was not a sonorous murmur, but a slightly cold influx from those who represent the general natural sense now prevailing, flowing into the whole face, its right region as well as its left. The influx was reciprocal, rapid, vibratory, made up of sharp [and active] forces, and thus influent. It both began and was terminated about the eyes, extending itself as it were from the left eye, and thus into the face.

Experientiae Spirituales 3866 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3866. Ostensum quales sunt, hodie, qui referunt sensum communem naturalem, successit influxus, qui non erat susurrus sonans, sed influxus frigidiusculus eorum, qui sensum communem naturalem hodie referunt, in totam faciem tam in dextrum quam in sinistrum ejus, influxus erat reciprocus celer, vibratorius, ex acutioribus vicibus, sic influens; et quidem incipiebat et terminabatur circa oculos, et ab oculo sinistro quasi se extendens, sic in faciem.

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