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《灵界经历》 第3867节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3867

3867. What they were like, was seen and shown up to a point, because their actions were so wicked as to be utter abominations, such as their sending huge dogs, wolves, and foul animals against human beings, against guiltless people, against little children, to tear them up in a horrible manner. These spectacles, being so detestable, and so many, were only shown to me faintly, but still I saw that they were wicked and abominable, comparable to the butchery of the Spaniards in America, where they tracked down the heathen and cruelly tore them to pieces by means of dogs.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3867

3867. Of what quality they were was perceived, and in some measure shown, inasmuch as their actings were so outrageous as to amount to mere abominations; since huge dogs, wolves, and foul animals were sent [by them] upon men, but upon the innocent and upon infants, in order to rend them in a merciless manner. These spectacles, which are many in number, were so abominable, that they were but obscurely presented, though still seen as thus ruthless and shocking. They can only be illustrated by the [pitiless] rendings of the Spaniards in America, when they hunted the [savage] nations with dogs, and cruelly mangled them.

Experientiae Spirituales 3867 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3867. Quales ii essent, perceptum et aliquantisper ostensum, quia tam nefanda erant, quod merae abominationes, sicut quod canes magni, vulpes, et foeda animalia, missa in homines, in insontes, in infantes, ut eos foede laniarent, quae spectacula quia abominanda, et multa, non nisi quam obscure mihi ostensa, sed usque visa, quod nefanda et abominabilia, illustrata per lanienam Hispanorum in America, ubi investigabant gentes per canes, et crudeliter laniabant.

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