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《灵界经历》 第3877节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3877

3877. About dreams

I dreamt throughout the night, and on awakening, spoke with two who had been in the dream, who acknowledged that they were the ones; and later, with a certain angelic spirit, into whom when he was in a state of sleep, I noticed something flow in from the Lord, which the said spirit also acknowledged. This showed that there are different kinds of dreams: one kind flows in from spirits who act the part of those who are seen in the dream, and this exactly as they appear in the dream. The second kind, spoken of earlier [3381], which are introduced by those overhead toward the front, and by others, are for the most part portrayals, and indeed likewise introducing persons, but they are only portrayals of them. The third kind is from the Lord, through heaven, indirectly or directly. 1748, 6 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3877


During the night I dreamt, and when I awoke I spoke with two who [appeared] in the dream, who acknowledged that they were the ones; and afterwards with a certain angelic spirit into whom, when in the state of sleep, something was apperceived to flow from the Lord, which he also confessed. It thence appeared that dreams are of a two-fold kind; one flows in from spirits, who act [the part of] the persons that are seen in the dreams, and precisely as the dreaming appearance is; the other kind, of which we have spoken before, consists of things introduced by those who are in front above, and by others, which are usually representations, and though persons are in like manner introduced, yet they are merely representations of them. A third kind is from the Lord mediately or immediately through heaven. - 1748, November 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 3877 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3877. De somniis

Per noctem somniavi, et cum evigilatus, loquutus cum binis, qui in somnio, qui agnoverunt quod ii essent, et postea cum quodam angelico spiritu, in quem cum in statu somni esset, appercepi influere a Domino aliquid, quod etiam agnovit: exinde constabat, quod somniorum sint genera: quoddam influit a spiritibus, qui agunt personas, quae videntur in somnio, et prorsus ita, ut in somnio apparet; alterum genus, de quo prius [3381], quae introducuntur ab iis qui antrorsum supra, aliisque, quae sunt plerumque repraesentationes quidem similiter personae introducuntur, sed modo sunt repraesentationes earum. Tertium genus est a Domino, per coelum mediate, vel immediate. 1748, 6 Nov.

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