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《灵界经历》 第3878节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3878

3878. About a peaceful state

There was a certain one above my head who spoke with me - from his tone I could tell that he was in a state of sleep - who spoke with me, and in fact, not as if he were asleep, asking this or that, and indeed as those who are awake, and with such prudence that when awake he could not have spoken more prudently, so that nothing was anything like a dream except the tone. I realized that good inward angels were speaking through him, and that in that state he was understanding and expressing what they said.

I asked him about that state of mind, and told him that he was in such a state that he does not speak anything but what is good and true, and realizes if it is other than good and true, in which case he does not entertain it, or utter it. So in that state he was like one awake, but since he was in a sleeping state, he told me that this is a peaceful state. I felt his delight in it from the fact that I loved to be in a like state, for then one is free from every care and worry about things of the future. In this manner people also perform uses. 1748, 6 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3878


There was a certain one above my head, that spoke with me. From the sound I perceived that he who spoke with me was in a state of sleep, and yet as if not in sleep. He inquired respecting this and that altogether like those who are broad awake, and with such prudence that one awake could not have discovered more, so that there was nothing indicating sleep except the sound alone. I perceived that good interior angels spoke through him, and he in that state perceived and produced [what they suggested]. I asked him concerning the state, telling what kind of state he appeared to be in, and that he spoke nothing else but what was good and true, and that he perceived whether there was anything different [from the good and true] which he would not admit or utter; thus that he was in the state of one who was awake; but because in a state of sleep he said that that was a state of peace. His delight thence arising I perceived from the fact of being myself in a similar state of love, for I am free from all solicitude and care respecting the future. Thus they are enabled to render [important] uses. - 1748, November 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 3878 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3878. De statu pacifico

Erat quidam supra caput meum, qui mecum loquutus, ex sono percepi quod in statu somni esset, qui mecum loquutus, et quidem non sicut in somno, interrogavit hoc et illud, et quidem sicut ii qui in vigilia sunt, et cum tali prudentia, ut vigil non prudentius, sic ut nihil somnii quid simile esset, quam solus sonus, percepi quod boni angeli interiores per eum loquuti, et is in statu isto percipiebat, et producebat, interrogavi eum de statu isto, et ei dixi quod talis ei status, et non loquatur aliud quam bonum et verum, et percipiat, si aliud, et si aliud quod non admitteret, seu eloqueretur, ita erat in statu illo, sicut qui vigil, sed quia in statu somni, dicebat quod is status sit status pacificus, ejus jucunditatem inde percepi, ex eo quod in simili statu amarem esse, nam sic absque omni sollicitudine et cura de futuris; sic quoque usus praestare possunt. 1748, 6 Nov.

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