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《灵界经历》 第3880节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3880

3880. then there were spirits who slipped in, particularly at the front part of the head, so that he was then compelled to withdraw to one side. Even though he remained, he drew aside in order to give them room, so that I could see who they were and what they were like. He also said that he was withdrawing. Those spirits acted like a gentle stream, for a considerable time, nor could I feel anything at all as they undulated gently, speaking in this way among themselves. But neither the spirits around me, nor I myself, understood what they were saying among themselves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3880

3880. - then there were spirits who insinuated themselves especially towards the front part of the head, so that he was compelled to retire. Although he really remained, yet he retired to one side, that he might give them room, in order that I might perceive who and what they were; he said also that he retired. These spirits acted as a gentle stream, and that for a considerable time, nor did I [distinctly] perceive anything; they undulated very gently, thus speaking among themselves, but neither the spirits that were around me, nor I myself, understood what they said to each other.

Experientiae Spirituales 3880 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3880. tunc erant spiritus qui se insinuabant, et quidem versus anteriorem partem capitis, sic ut ille tunc secedere coactus sit, ad unum latus, tametsi remansit, secessit, ut daret iis locum, ut perciperem quinam et quales, dixit etiam quod recedat; spiritus isti agebant sicut lene flumen, et per aliquantum temporis, nec percepi quicquam, undulabant leniter, sic loquendo inter se, sed nec spiritus circum me, nec ego intelligebam, quid loquerentur inter se.

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