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《灵界经历》 第3897节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3897

3897. They were gathered at the back, seeking a place where they might be alone together, drawing back finally to the ends of the universe, but I noticed that the place was higher up at the rear, where I had previously not noticed anything. When they had reached the boundaries of the universe at the back, they then spoke among themselves, saying that there were no men present, so they should begin. But their obscenities were not shown to me, except a woman dressed like a man, then delighting themselves in that place with abominably lewd practices.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3897

3897. They were at the same time in the rear, seeking a place where they might be alone by themselves, receding at length to the bounds of the universe; but it was observed that they were higher above in the rear, where I had previously noticed nothing. When they came to the bounds of the universe from behind, they then spoke with each other [saying], that there were no men present and that they might begin; but their obscenities were not shown me, except that there was a woman apparelled like a man. There they were delighting themselves in abominable lewdness.

Experientiae Spirituales 3897 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3897. Simul erant a tergo, quaerentes locum ubi simul solae esse possent, recedentes tandem ad universi fines, sed observatum quod a tergo erat superius, ubi non prius aliqua observavi; cum ad universi fines venerunt a tergo, tunc loquutae inter se, quod nulli viri adessent, ita inciperent, sed obscoena earum non mihi ostensa sunt, praeter quod mulier vestita sicut vir; ibi sic nefanda lascivia se delectantes.

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