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《灵界经历》 第3924节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3924

3924. The lewd wife that was seen in the place resembling a kitchen had a knife in her hand, and in her fantasy there was a little child. Her fantasies were portrayed as a diverse spinning of the body. The rotation was rapid, like that of a wheel, with knives in her hand, also with the fantasy of a little child below. The fantasy regarding the little one was cruel, like that of a woman having in fantasy [the intention] to kill. For their nature is such that lasciviousness is their goal, and therefore they kill little children because they do not want them, but through their lewdness seem to destroy them.

Afterwards she bent herself in various turnings, also upside down, in order to entice such partnerships, being thus instigated by such wicked and deceitful ones spoken of.

After sleeping I awoke, and there appeared around me many wicked women, who, being inspected by angels were portrayed as filthy intestines rolled together into two balls, one ball being filthy and foul with blood, the other of a yellow color. The intestines thus rolled together were so disgusting that I shuddered at the sight of them. This showed that they were female magicians, and at the same time malicious and deceitful. Thus what they had intended to do had been concealed, for they were compelled to confess their crime. 1748, 9 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3924

3924. The lascivious wife above mentioned, who was seen in the kitchen apartment, had a knife in her hand, and in her phantasy was an infant. Her phantasies were represented by different circumgyrations of her body, which were quick, like those of a wheel, she still holding knives in her hand. While in this phantasy of an infant lying below [her], the idea assumed a character of cruelty, as if prompting her to kill the infant, because such is their quality that having lasciviousness for an end, they are prone to murder infants, as they do not desire them, but would fain put them to death under the promptings of their lustful passions. Afterwards she twisted and inverted herself into various flexures, that she might allure to such consortings, being instigated thereto by vile and deceitful wretches of whom [we have spoken before]. Awaking after sleep there appeared round about me a multitude of these detestable women, who, being inspected by the angels, were represented as filthy conglomerate intestines in two balls, one of which was foully and disgustingly bloody, and the other of a yellow hue. These conglobated intestines were so filthy that I shuddered at the sight. It thence appeared that they were [female] magicians, and at the same time malignities, and [exceedingly] deceitful. In this manner their designs were veiled, for [it was only that] they were compelled to confess their iniquity [that they did so]. - 1748, November 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 3924 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3924. Talis lasciva uxor, quae visa in loco culinario, cultrum habebat in manu, et in phantasia ejus erat infans, ejus phantasiae repraesentatae per diversas circumgyrationes corporis ejus, circumgyratio erat festina, sicut orbitae, cum cultris in manu, tum cum phantasia infantis infra, de infante crudelis erat phantasia, sicut quae phantasiam habet, ut necet, quia tales sunt, ut pro fine habeant lascivias, et sic necant infantes, quia eos non cupiunt, sed per lascivias, quasi perdunt; postea se flectebat in varios flexus, ut et se invertit, ut alliceret consortia talia; quia sic instigata erat a maleficis et dolosis talibus de quibus; post somnum, evigilatus, tunc circum me apparebant plures nefandae, quae inspectae ab angelis, repraesentatae ut conglomerata intestina foeda, in binis globis, spurce seu foede sanguineus unus glomus, alter flavus, intestina conglobata sic foeda erant, ut per aspectum horrerem; inde constabat, quod magicae essent, et simul malitiae, et dolosae; sic obtectum quid intendebant facere, nam ii adacti sunt fateri, eorum facinus. 1748, 9 Nov.

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