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《灵界经历》 第3925节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3925

3925. About the noble offspring of the most ancient Church

Very high overhead are those who had been the offspring, the noble ones, of the most ancient Church, concerning whom I realized that the Lord, through them, rules those extremely deceitful spirits very high overhead, about to be spoken of. They spoke with me from there, their speech dropping as if in pearls. Their aura appeared as if consisting of small pearls, varied in color, beautiful. Their dwellings were shown, but faintly, as very magnificent, extending to a great distance, facing each other as usual from opposite sides [of the street]. They were purple in color, variegated from sky blue to brownish, but because I saw them only faintly, I cannot describe them in more detail, except that they were vary spacious, and most magnificent, and variegated in those beautiful colors. It was said that there those dwell who had been the noble offspring of the most ancient Church, through whom the Lord rules those most deceitful spirits overhead.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3925


Very high above the head are those, of a noble quality, who were the offspring of the Most Ancient Church, concerning whom it was perceived that the Lord through them rules the intensely deceitful [spirits] who are [also] at a great height above the head, -concerning whom presently. They spoke with me thence, their speech gliding, as it were, into pearls. There was seen [issuing] from them a beautiful aura, as if of pearls of various colors, and their habitations were shown, though but obscurely. [It was seen however that] they were magnificent buildings, extended to a great length, as is usual with edifices that correspond to each other from opposite sides [of a street]. They are of a purple color, variegated from a cerulean to an auroral hue, but as I saw them only obscurely, I can give no farther description, than merely to say, that they were most spacious and magnificent, and variegated in this manner with beautiful colors. It was said that those dwell there, who were the noble offspring of the Most Ancient Church, by which the Lord rules the most deceitful above the head.

Experientiae Spirituales 3925 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3925. De antiquissimae Ecclesiae prole nobili

Supra caput altissime sunt ii qui proles antiquissimae Ecclesiae fuerunt, nobilis, de quibus perceptum, quod Dominus per eos regat, dolosissimos istos qui altissime supra caput, de quibus mox, loquuti mecum sunt inde, loquela labente quasi in perlas; visa ab iis aura quasi minorum perlarum, varii coloris, pulchra; et ostensa eorum habitacula, sed obscure, quod magnifica valde, extensa in multam longitudinem, sicut solent aedificia utrinque sibi correspondentia, erant coloris purpurei, variegati, a coeruleo ad bruneum, sed quia non nisi quam obscure videbam, non ulterius possum describere, quam quod amplissimae essent [domus], et magificentissimae, et variegatae pulchris coloribus talibus: dictum quod ibi habitant, qui proles nobilis fuerunt antiquissimae Ecclesiae, per quam Dominus regit dolosissimos supra caput. 1


1. haec paragraphus in ms. marginaliter linea verticali undulante instructa est

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