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《灵界经历》 第3926节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3926

3926. About the most deceitful ones overhead

The most deceitful ones overhead contrived their wicked deceptions, inducing a kind of innocence on someone with me behind my back, so that whenever I thought about him, something of innocence was induced, but it was found out to be a wicked trick. Then when it had been discovered, they sent those deceitful spirits whom they lead, who are at a middle distance above my head, and whose presence is perceived as a kind of undulation as of pure water. I asked who they were, and was told that they were the ones [above my head], and that they had promised the spirits very high overhead that they would be on hand at once, lest any harm should befall them due to the discovery of their deception. I spoke with them, saying that on account of such acts they may be casting themselves headlong into grave punishments, but because of their subtlety they imagined that they could not be punished, thinking that they were immune to punishments.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3926


Spirits above the head of most deceitful character plotted nefarious wiles, by inducing [the conceit] of a certain [quality] of innocence, pertaining to some one who was with me in the rear quarter, so that as often as I thought of him, something of innocence was suggested, but it was detected as being an abominable deceit. When it was detected, they sent those deceitful ones whom they lead, and who are in a middle distance, above my head, who were perceived as a kind of undulation pure and watery. I asked who they were: it was said they were those [just mentioned], and that those who were in the highest position and promised them that they would be ready at hand [to assist them] in case any harm should accrue from the detection of their deceit. I spoke with them [saying] that by such conduct they would be in danger of precipitating themselves into sore punishments, but the subtle among them imagined that they could not be punished, thinking that their doings were beyond the reach of punishments.

Experientiae Spirituales 3926 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3926. De dolosissimis supra caput

Dolosissimi supra caput moliti sunt dolos nefandos, inducendo innocentiam quandam alicui qui ad partem tergalem apud me, sic ut quoties de eo cogitarem, innocentiae quid induceretur, sed detectum quod nefandus dolus; tunc cum detectum, miserunt eos dolosos, qui in media distantia, quos ducunt, supra caput meum, qui percepti ut quaedam undulatio, quasi aquea pura, quaesivi quinam essent, dictum quod ii essent, et quod polliciti iis qui altissimi, quod iis ita praesto essent, ne quid iis mali ex detecto dolo, accideret; loquutus cum iis, quod propter talia possint se praecipitare in poenas graves, sed quia subtiles erant, putabant quod nequeant puniri, sic extra punitiones putantes esse.

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