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《灵界经历》 第3933节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3933

3933. The deceitful and the most deceitful are generally such that they take nothing else from people's mental imagery but what is innocent and heavenly, and by means of it they entrap them by turning it in various ways to their destruction, and enticing them to wicked adulteries; so that laying snares by means of innocent and heavenly qualities is the epitome of their deceits. They are the ones in life who make a pretense of holy, heavenly, and innocent qualities, so as to obtain dominion over all on earth and in the heavens, not at all caring whether they arrive at that dominion by fair means or foul. 1748, 9 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3933

3933. The deceitful and the most deceitful are in general such, that they take scarcely anything else from the ideas of man than what is innocent and celestial, and by means of that lay their plots against man, by turning it in various modes to his destruction, and by enticing [him] to adulteries and [other] enormities, so that to ensnare by means of innocent and celestial things is the very acme of deceit. There are those in the other life, who make a pretence of holy, celestial, and innocent things, with a view to obtain dominion over all on earth and in heaven, caring nothing for right or wrong provided they can but attain dominion. - 1748, November 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 3933 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3933. Dolosi et dolosissimi, in genere sunt tales, ut ex ideis hominis nihil aliud fere desumant quam quod innocens et coeleste est, et per ea insidiantur homini, vertendo diversis modis, ad perdendum hominem, et pelliciendo ad adulteria et nefanda, sic ut insidiari per innocentia et coelestia sit summum dolorum; sunt ii in vita, qui praetexunt sancta, coelestia, et innocentia, ut dominatum super omnes in terris et in coelis habeant, nihil curando si ad dominatum veniant per fas aut nefas. 1748, 9 Nov.

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