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《灵界经历》 第3934节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3934

3934. I spoke with them saying that it had become second nature to them always to put on in their writings holy, heavenly and innocent qualities they had never even thought about, as is the custom of the popes and papists at this day, no differently than do the kings and their top ministers, who openly write and publish falsities, which all know to be falsities, while they are of an entirely contrary sentiment. Still, the highest kings and kaisers are unabashed to write such things, if only they are written in an elegant style along with some confirmations. Such today is the Christian world, but not the gentiles. 1748, 9 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3934

3934. I spoke with these [saying], that they had contracted their nature from this, that they had always in their writings made a pretence of holy, celestial, and innocent things, concerning which they [really] thought nothing, as is the custom of popes and papists at this day; [this they do] in the same manner, as kings and their chief ministers openly write and publish falsehoods, which all know to be falsehoods, and are therefore of an entirely contrary belief, yet these lofty kings and caesars do not scruple to write such things, provided it be done elegantly and certain confirmations [appear]. Such is the Christian orb at this day, but not so the Gentiles. - 1748, November 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 3934 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3934. Loquutus cum iis, quod traxerint naturam ex eo, quod praetexerint in scriptis semper sancta, coelestia et innocentia, de qua nusquam cogitarunt, sicut mos est paparum, et papalium hodie: non aliter ac reges et eorum summi ministri, falsitates aperte scribunt et vulgant, quas sciunt omnes quod falsitates sunt, et ii contrario prorsus animo sunt, usque non pudent reges summi, et caesares talia scribere, modo eleganter sint scripta et aliqua confirmantia ita, talis est hodie orbis Christianus, non item gentes. 1748, 9 Nov.

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