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《灵界经历》 第3935节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3935

3935. It was noticed, when I was stealing away those things they had deceitfully used to destroy me, and were inspiring adulteries - namely, when I was deleting the numerals by which I had designated excerpted passages - to which activity they ascribed innocence both on the part of a certain medium and on my part then they complained that now they had not anything to think about. I imagine that these served them as feet on which to stand, as in the case of certain others spoken of earlier [3852]. Therefore, when I fixed my gaze upon them, and in fact, upon their feet, then these were not drawn in, but their genital members, by which it was symbolized that they were adulterers in the highest degree. 1748, 9 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3935

3935. It was observed that when I privily took away the things which they had deceitfully employed for my destruction, and with a view to inspire adulteries, namely the numbers by which I had designated [various] extracts, they infused innocence upon a certain one, -as much upon any other subject as upon myself and then complained that thus they would not have anything to think of. I supposed that they required something of this kind as a foot to stand upon, as did certain others of whom I have formerly spoken. Wherefore when I determined [my] intuition upon them, and even upon the feet, they [the feet] were not drawn in, but only their genital members, by which was signified that they were adulterers of the highest grade. - 1748, November 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 3935 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3935. Observatum, cum surriperem ea, quibus dolose usi sunt, ut perderent me, et infunderent adulteria, nempe cum surriperem numeros, quibus designavi ea quae excerpta, cui operi infundebant innocentiam, tam alicui subjecto, quam mihi, tunc conquesti sunt, quod sic non haberent, quae cogitarent, putabam quod tale esset iis pro pede cui insisterent, ut alii de quibus prius [3852], quare cum intuitionem in eos determinarem quidem in pedes, tunc ii non intrahebantur, sed membra eorum genitalia, quo significabatur, quod adulteri in summo gradu. 1748, 9 Nov.

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