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《灵界经历》 第3937节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3937

3937. On conscience

Those who neither have nor care about the qualms of conscience do not even know what conscience is, so they have tried to make every least thing, even the most indifferent, a bond of conscience, not realizing that bonds of conscience are the same as debts, like the marital debt, which is such a bond. But the thought was inspired that there are bonds of conscience or debts pertaining to goodness and truth, which exist in accordance with loves, and their degrees, blood and marital relationships that all look to the Lord, Who Alone is the Bond and gives inner sight. 1748, 9 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3937


Those who neither have nor care for any bond of conscience do not even know what conscience is; wherefore they endeavor to induce a bond of conscience in regard to everything, even matters of indifference, not knowing how the case really is as to the bonds of conscience, which are the same as debts, as the conjugial debt, [for instance], which is such a bond. It was insinuated [accordingly], that the [true] bonds of conscience or debts, are the things of goodness and truth, and exist according to loves, their degrees, consanguinities, and affinities, all which regard the Lord Who is the only Bond, and [who alone] gives to perceive. - 1748, November 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 3937 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3937. De conscientia

Qui nullum conscientiae vinculum habent aut curant, ne quidem sciunt quid conscientia, quare inducere tentarunt cuicunque rei etiam indifferentiae, conscientiae vinculum, non scientes quomodo se habent vincula conscientiae, quae eadem sunt ac debita, sicut debitum conjugiale, est vinculum conscientiae, sed insinuatum, quod vincula conscientiae seu debita sint quae sunt boni et veri, seque habeant secundum amores, eorum gradus, consanguinitates et affinitates quae omnes spectant Dominum, Qui Solus est Vinculum, et dat percipere. 1748, 9 Nov.

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