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《灵界经历》 第395节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 395

395. Pleasures can be transmitted from one to many

This remarkable phenomenon exists in the other life: not only can the pleasures of one be shared with many others through speech and gestures, and the resulting feelings of each, but also, the pleasures [themselves] can be actually carried over to others, and be felt by them. This fact originates in the heavenly marriage, from which come the delights of earthly marriages, and also the sharing of them between married partners. 1747, the 25th day of December.

mIn heaven this is done by the Lord through the language of mental imagery, as well as through their mutual love, in that each one has regard for and longs for the good of the other, which is something imparted by the Lord.n

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 395


In the other life it is wonderful that not only can the delights of one be communicated with many others by speech and expressions, hence following according to the sensations of each one's genius; but also that the delights, by a real transmission into others, are able to affect them, which derives its origin from the heavenly marriage; hence the delights of earthly marriages, and also the communications between consorts. 1747, Dec. 25.

mIn heaven this is effected by the Lord, through the ideas of speech, also through their mutual love, in that everyone gains 1or desires the good of the other, which is a transmission from the Lord.n


1. The word here rendered "gains" is the Swedish word Winnar (not vunar as in the Latin text) and means to gain, acquire, win. This sentence in the margin was evidently added when Swedenborg was indexing.

Experientiae Spirituales 395 (original Latin 1748-1764)

395. Quod jucunditates ab uno in plures transmitti queant

Hoc mirabile est in altera vita, quod non solum communicari queant jucunditates unius cum pluribus aliis per loquelam et expressiones, indeque sequentes secundum cujusvis genium sensationes; sed etiam quod jucunditates 1

, per realem transmissionem in alios, eos afficere queant; quod originem trahit a conjugio coelesti: inde conjugiorum terrestrium delitiae, ac communicationes inter conjuges. 1747, die 25 Dec. [m] In coelo fit a Domino, per loquelae 2

ideas, tum per mutuum amorem eorum, quod quisque respiciat 3

seu desideret bonum alterius, quod est transmissio a Domino. [n]

3 A.W. Acton, The Spiritual Diary, p. 113 ad annotationem l Winnar


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has jucunditas

2. The Manuscript has loquae

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