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《灵界经历》 第396节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 396

396. A comparison of character with trees and fruits

Nothing exists in the world that is not a portrayal of what is heavenly, and a result as it were of what is spiritual

All things whatsoever that are in the vegetable and in the animate kingdom, are portrayals and as it were results of things spiritual and heavenly, and in fact, in a countless variety. For earthly things could never have come forth nor continued, except from spiritual ones, a fact that can be demonstrated in countless ways. Here I will speak only of how character develops in a person growing up. This is seen imaged in trees and their fruits, such as apples and others: the surface or covering is the mother of the fruit in the inward parts or cores; through the surface and the fibers reaching in from it, all the inward parts are developed. The flavor images pleasantness [of character].

After the inward parts have developed from the surface, by means of fibers branching in from all sides, then the hard coverings are separated - as with an almond - and the kernels remain.

So in the comparable process of human development: it commences from higher knowledge, thus from matters of the intellect, whereby character is acquired, which is like the kernel so formed. From the flavor of the kernel it is evident what the juice or sap, that is, the life of the person, had been like. These things were written in the presence of angels and spirits. 1747, the 25th day of December.

Because many human characters, or souls, resemble unripe or rotten fruits, having a stinking odor, therefore they cannot be compared to anything but those fruits which must develop anew in good ground. 1


1. This paragraph seems to be deleted in the original.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 396


All things whatsoever in the vegetable kingdom and in the animal kingdom, are the representations, and, as it were, the effects of spiritual and celestial things, and indeed in innumerable variety; for natural things could never exist, nor thus subsist, except from things spiritual, which can be demonstrated by innumerable considerations: here it shall only be demonstrated how the nature of man is formed in him while he is growing up. 1This is clearly seen in trees and their fruits, as in apples and other fruits. The surface or skin is the mother of the interiors of the fruit or of the kernels. By means of the surface, and the fibers extended therefrom, all the interiors are formed; the flavor relates to delight. After the interiors have been formed from the surface by means of the fibers ramified on every side, then the shells are separated - as in almonds - and the kernels remain. This is in the likeness of those things that take place in the formation of man from cognitions, thus from intellectual things, whence is derived a nature which is the resemblance of the kernel formed in this manner; from the flavor of the kernel, it is evident of what quality the sap or life has been. These things have been written in the presence of angels and spirits. 1747, Dec. 25.

Because natures or human souls are for the most part like immature and sour fruit, the odor of which is fetid, they therefore cannot be otherwise compared than to what needs to be reformed in good ground.


1. Crescit: the Latin text has nescit ("he is ignorant"), but the reading is doubtful.

Experientiae Spirituales 396 (original Latin 1748-1764)

396. Quaecunque in regno vegetabili, et in animali sunt, repraesentationes et quasi effectus sunt spiritualium et coelestium, et quidem in innumerabili varietate, nam naturalia nusquam existere potuerunt, ita nec subsistere nisi a spiritualibus, quod innumeris potest demonstrari; hic solum quomodo indoles formatur in homine dum venit 1

, id conspicitur in arboribus, earumque fructibus, sicut in pomis, aliisque, superficies seu cortex est mater fructus interiorum, seu nucleorum, per superficies et inde extensas fibras, formantur omnia interiora, sapor refert jucunditatem; postquam interiora a superficie per fibras undequaque ramificatas formata sunt, tunc ut in amygdalis separantur crustae, et remanent nuclei, ad similitudinem eorum quae fiunt in hominis formatione a cognitionibus, sic ab intellectualibus, inde indoles trahitur, quae est instar nuclei ita formati, ex nuclei sapore constat qualis succus seu vita fuerit. Haec in praesentia angelorum et spirituum scripta sunt. 1747, die 25 Dec.

Quia indoles seu animae humanae pleraeque sunt similes immaturis et tetris fructibus, quorum odor est putidus, ideo non possunt aliter assimilari ac quod reformari debeant in bona terra. 2

Comparatio indolis cum arboribus et fructibus Quod nihil in mundo detur, quod non est repraesentatio coelestium, et quasi effectus spiritualium.


1. hoc est crescit

2. haec paragraphus ob lineas fortiores potius deleta videtur

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