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《灵界经历》 第3957节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3957

3957. It was noticeable that unlike the others, they change their location like a person changes ears. When I put my right ear upwards in bed, then they were quite high up to the right, speaking from there. When I put my right ear toward the pillow, then I could hear them in the pillow, and below, and they complained that I had turned myself over, so that the locations of those representing the ear are different from those of the rest.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3957

3957. It was observed that, contrary to the practice of others, these (latter changed their situation, as man [does] his ear, thus [for instance] when, lying in bed, I would turn my right ear upwards, they would thus be above, speaking thence on the right, from a very considerable elevation; but when I placed my right ear on the pillow, they were heard within the pillow, and below, of which they complained, that I should turn myself over, so that the situation of those representing the ear should be ordered differently from that of the rest.

Experientiae Spirituales 3957 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3957. Observatum est quod ii aliter ac alii, situm suum mutent, sicut homo aurem, cum aurem dextram in lecto ponerem sursum, tunc erant superius ad dextrum satis alte inde loquentes, cum aurem dextram ponerem ad pulvinar, tunc auditi sunt in pulvinari, et infra, de quo etiam conquesti sunt, quod inverterem me, sic ut situs eorum qui aurem referunt aliter se haberent, ac situs reliquorum.

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