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《灵界经历》 第397节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 397

397. A vision by day, about those who are given to feasting, and thus devoted to the flesh

At midday, around lunch time, an angel who was with me cautioned me not to overindulge my stomach at table. While he was with me, a kind of vapor clearly appeared to me to be issuing from the pores of my body, having a visibly very watery quality. It seemed to sink down toward the floor, where there was a carpet on which the vapor, coming together, turned into different kinds of tiny worms. These, gathered together under the table, in an instant, and with a crackling sound, just burned up.

I saw the fiery flash, and heard the noise, and judged that all the little worms that can be generated by an immoderate appetite had thus been cast out of my body and burned up, and that I had now been cleansed of them. From this experience, one may infer what sumptuous living and the like, harbor within them. 1745, April. [see 93a]. 1


1. See also R.L. Tafel, Documents, vol. II, pp. 35-36.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 397


At mid-day, about dinner time, an angel who was with me spoke to me saying that I was not to indulge the belly too much at the table. While he was with me there then clearly appeared to me, as it were, a vapor exuding from the pores of my body like something watery, in the highest degree visible, which slipped down to the ground where a carpet was seen upon which the collected vapor was turned into various little worms, which being gathered together under the table, were burnt up in a moment, with a loud noise or sound: the fiery light therein was seen by me and the sound heard. I suppose that in this way all the little worms which can be generated by an immoderate appetite were cast out of my body, and thus were consumed, and that I was then cleansed from them. Hence it can be concluded what sumptuous fare and such like things carry in their bosom. 1745, April. 1


1. This experience, though occurring in 1745, was here recorded in 1747. There is an earlier description of apparently the same occurrence in WE 3557, written about April 1746 in connection with the plague of frogs in Egypt. The two descriptions are listed together in the Index, s.v. Edere and Vermis. There is another account in Apoc. 5, n. 15, Vol. I, p. 35.

Experientiae Spirituales 397 (original Latin 1748-1764)

397. Visio diurna, de iis qui comessationibus dediti sunt, et sic carni indulgent

In media die circa prandium, mecum loquutus est angelus, qui mecum, quod non nimis indulgerem ventri circa mensam; dum penes me erat, tunc apparuit mihi clare sicut vapor exundans e poris corporis, sicut aqueus maxime visibilis, qui versus terram delapsus, ubi tapete 1

erat visus, super quem collectus vapor in vermiculos diversos vertebatur, qui collecti sub mensam, momento cum strepitu seu sonitu deflagrabant; lumen igneum visum est mihi, et sonitus auditus, [ego] arbitrans 2

quod sic omnes vermiculi e corpore meo ejecti, qui ex appetitu immodico possunt generari, combusti essent, et quod ego tunc ab iis mundatus fuerim. Inde concludi potest, quid lautitiae et similia in sinu ferunt. 1745, April. [vide [93a]]. 3


1. The Manuscript has forte tapeta

2. vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

3. vide etiam R.L. in Tafel's edition. Documents, vol. 11, pag. 35-36

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