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《灵界经历》 第3974节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3974

3974. The operation of spirits into the Tongue [see also 1360-1361, 1465-1466]

Dutch spirits, who neither accept inward matters, nor reject them, because they do not think very much about inward things, but because they do not accept them but still encourage them, operated into my tongue - but not like those who utterly refuse to admit but reject inward things and operated in such a way that they tried to cut off my tongue with my teeth - but the Dutch spirits operated only inwardly into the tongue, which I was given clearly to feel. For the tongue corresponds to the thought of inward things, because it is of service to speech, and also to taste, which answers to higher knowledge. 1748, 14 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3974


Certain Hollandic spirits who neither receive interior things, nor yet [wholly] reject them, inasmuch as they do not think deeply upon them, and therefore do not receive them, while yet they are inclined to favor them, operated upon my tongue, yet not like those who refuse to admit and therefore positively reject interior things, for they operated as if they would have me actually sever my tongue with my teeth; but these Hollandic spirits acted inwardly on the tongue, which it was given manifestly to perceive; for the tongue corresponds to the thought of things interior, for it serves the uses of speech, and also of taste, which corresponds to knowledges. - 1748, November 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 3974 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3974. Operatio spirituum in Linguam [vide etiam 1360-1361, 1465-1466]

Spiritus Hollandici, qui nec interiora recipiunt, nec ita rejiciunt, quia de interioribus non ita cogitant, sed quia non recipiunt, sed usque fovent, operati sunt in linguam meam, sed non sicut ii qui interiora prorsus non admittunt sed rejiciunt, qui operati ita, ut vellent quod linguam dentibus amputarem, sed Hollandici spiritus modo intus in linguam, quod manifeste sentire datum; nam lingua correspondet cogitationi interiorum; quia loquelae inservit, tum quia gustui, qui respondet cognitionibus. 1748, 14 Nov.

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