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《灵界经历》 第3976节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3976

3976. Spirits must speak as they think

When a spirit is speaking otherwise than he is thinking, this is at once sensed, so that he is forced not to speak differently, otherwise he cannot belong to any society, but such spirits are at once cast out and penalized. Such behavior disturbs societies, and divides them. Therefore in the other life it is not permitted to speak differently than one thinks. If a spirit is evil, or thinks evilly, he is permitted to speak evilly, because that is how he thinks, for thus he is speaking the truth, for it is not permissible for anyone to speak other than the truth, or what is true - which principle applies even to the point that one who thinks evilly, speaks evil, thus the truth, because he is evil, and so on. 1748, 15 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3976


When a spirit speaks otherwise than he thinks, the fact is immediately perceived, wherefore he is compelled to a truthful mode of speaking, otherwise he cannot be conjoined with any society, but all such are instantly cast out and maimed. Such a thing disturbs and disjoins societies; wherefore in the other life it is not allowable for one to speak otherwise than as he thinks. If he is bad or thinks badly, it is permitted him also to speak badly, because he thus thinks; for in this case he speaks truth, inasmuch as it is not lawful for him to utter anything but truth, that is, what is true to him; and this principle extends so far that one who thinks evil, speaks evil, thus what is true, since he is evil; and so on. - 1748, November 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 3976 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3976. Quod spiritus debent loqui sicut cogitant

Cum loquitur spiritus aliter ac cogitat, hoc illico percipitur, quare adigitur ut non aliud loquatur, aliter non alicui societati interesse potest, sed ejiciuntur illico, et mulctantur, disturbat tale societates, disjungit; quare in altera vita non loqui aliter licet ac sicut cogitat; si malus seu male cogitat, licet ei male loqui, quia sic cogitat; sic enim loquitur verum, nam non licet alicui loqui quam verum, hoc est, quod verum est, quod se eo extendit, ut qui male cogitat, loquatur malum, sic verum, quia malus, et sic porro. 1748, 15 Nov.

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