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《灵界经历》 第3977节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3977

3977. About confirmations of higher knowledge of faith

I realized that higher knowledge of faith cannot at first be confirmed by anything but what is grasped by the senses and earthly truths, for man is unable to believe without confirmations. But later, when it has been so confirmed, the Lord gifts him with conscience, so that he believes without confirmations, and then he rejects all arguments. This is the angelic aura, in which evil spirits cannot be, but as long as he is in their state of confirming, and reasons with them in order to convince them of truths, the spirits are able to be present, as a certain one also declared, though not from his own power, as he admitted. It is almost like when one holding to certain principles rejects all arguments to the contrary, even growing angry when someone argues against them. 1748, 16 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3977


It was perceived that the knowledges of faith cannot at first be otherwise confirmed than by sensual and natural truths, for man cannot believe without confirmations; but afterwards when such knowledges are confirmed, then the Lord bestows upon him the gift of conscience, by which he is enabled to believe without farther confirmations; he then rejects all ratiocinations. This sphere is angelic, in which evil spirits cannot be. But as long as one is in the state of their confirmation, and reasons with them, in order to convince them of truth, then [such evil] spirits can be present, as indeed a certain one [of that character] spoke [with me], but not from himself, as he confessed. The case is almost the same as that of one who is grounded in [certain] principles, and who [consequently] rejects all contrary principles, nay, who is indignant when anything contrary is advanced. - 1748, November 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 3977 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3977. De confirmantibus cognitionum fidei

Perceptum, quod cognitiones fidei non possint aliter quam primum confirmari, a sensualibus et veritatibus naturalibus, nam homo non credere potest, absque confirmantibus, sed postea cum confirmatae sunt, tunc Dominus donat eum conscientia, ut credat absque confirmantibus, tunc rejicit omnia ratiocinia, haec sphaera est angelica; in qua spiritus mali esse nequeunt; at quamdiu in statu confirmationis eorum est, et cum iis ratiocinatur, ut eos evincat de veritatibus, tunc spiritus possunt adesse, sicut quoque loquutus est spiritus quidam, sed non ex se, sicut fassus est: simile fere est, ac qui in principiis est, is omnia ratiocinia contra principia rejicit, imo irascitur, dum contra quis disputat. 1748, 16 Nov.

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