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《灵界经历》 第398节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 398

398. About Permissions [of evil]

The teachings regarding permissions make up an entire doctrine. Anyone who does not understand permissions, yet draws conclusions about them, falls into doubting and negative thoughts about God the Messiah's power over the Universe.

But it ought to be known that without the permission [of evil], no one can be reformed. For opposites have to be brought to bear in order that the shapes of what is true and of what is good will stand out, which acquire their ability to appear, and thus to be seen, etc., from opposites. Hence [comes the need of] temptations, purgings, punishments, persecutions of believers and of the faith, and more.

In short, without the permission of evils - a term which must be understood in the right sense - a person can never be regenerated and guided with any awareness, and consequently with any happiness, into the capability of being bent toward good by God the Messiah. 1747, the 25th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 398


The Doctrine of Permissions is a complete doctrine. He who does not understand permissions, or conclude [rightly] concerning them, falls into doubt and negation concerning the power of God Messiah over the universe. But this should be known: that without permission no one would be able to be reformed; for opposites must be induced in order that forms of truth and of good may exist, which forms derive their existence thus perception, and the like, from opposites. Hence arise temptations, vastations, punishments, the persecutions of the faithful and of the faith, and many more things besides. In a word, without the permission of evils, which must be understood in a right sense, man could never be regenerated and led to the faculties by which he can be bent to good by God Messiah with some perception of it, consequently with some happiness. 1747, Dec. 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 398 (original Latin 1748-1764)

398. De Permissionibus

Permissionum doctrina est integra doctrina, qui non permissiones intelligit, aut de permissionibus concludit, is in dubia et negativa de potestate Dei Messiae super Universum labitur; sed hoc sciendum, quod absque permissione nemo queat reformari, nam opposita inducenda sunt, ut existant formae veri, et boni, quae ab oppositis trahunt 1

suam 2

existentiam, ita perceptionem, et similia: inde tentationes vastationes, punitiones, persecutiones fidelium ac fidei, et plura: verbo absque permissione malorum, quae sano sensu intelligenda est, nusque 3

regenerari potest homo, et perduci ad facultates, ut a Deo Messia flecti queat ad bonum, cum aliqua perceptione, proinde cum aliqua felicitate. 1747 die 25 Dec.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has suum

3. = nusquam (vide annotationem ad [349a])

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