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《灵界经历》 第4005节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4005

4005. It is shown especially by the fact that angelic mental imagery is able to come down into innumerable different images when in the lower world, and then with people on earth. For example, just the portrayal of goodness with the angels can come down into all and numberless good states with people on earth, whatever they are - into their happy ones, into their pleasant, or comfortable ones, thus innumerable states - even into opposite, and intermediate ones. So one can never tell from objects raised up from the memory, and from objects of sight, what the quality is of those things that are in the very inward, much less innermost regions.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4005

4005. Especially is this evinced by the circumstance, that angelic ideas can fall into innumerable diverse ideas, both in the lower [spiritual] world and with man, as for instance that the representatives of good alone with the angels can fall into all the innumerable forms of man's good, whether into his worship, into sweet things, into fat things, thus into countless particulars, according to his states, yea, into things contrary and intermediate. Wherefore it can never be known from the objects of the external memory and from the objects of sight, what is the nature of things in the more intimate, much less in the most intimate [principles].

Experientiae Spirituales 4005 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4005. Imprimis ab iis, quod ideae angelicae cadere possint in innumerabiles ideas diversas, dum in inferiori mundo, et sic apud hominem; sicut quod solum repraesentatio boni apud angelos, cadere potest in omnia sic innumerabilia bona hominis, quaecunque sunt, in laeta ejus, in dulcia, in pinguia, sic in innumerabilia secundum status ejus, imo in contraria, et intermedia; quare nusquam sciri potest ab objectis memoriae excitatis, et objectis visus qualia illa quae in intimioribus, minus in intimis.

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