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《灵界经历》 第4008节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4008

4008. It is also clear, moreover, that the providence of the Lord is in the least and in all things, which is evident just from matters of luck - in such games as appear to be entirely fortuitous, as in a Lotteri, 1and others I have observed. Such happenings on the lowest plane of nature cannot be explored as to whence they come. This being true in such cases, then why not in all and the least other cases, which can never be explored because they are contingencies, or matters of Providence?


1. Swedish for "lottery."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4008

4008. It moreover appears that the providence of the Lord is in all the most singular or particular things. This may be evinced solely from what are deemed matters of fortune, as in games, and such things as appear altogether fortuitous; as, for instance, in a lottery, and other things that may be noticed; such contingencies pertaining to the lowest department of nature can never be explained as to their source; and if this holds in this kind, what shall be said of all and singular other things, which entirely baffle research as being the contingencies of Providence?

Experientiae Spirituales 4008 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4008. Praeterea quoque constat quod providentia Domini sit in singulis et omnibus, quod constat solum ex iis quae fortunae sunt, in ludis, in talibus quae prorsus ut fortuita apparent; sicut in Lotteri, inque aliis quae observata, contingentia talia infimae naturae, non explorari possunt unde, cum in talibus, quid non in omnibus et singulis aliis, quae nusquam explorari possunt, quia contingentia seu Providentiae sunt?

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