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《灵界经历》 第4063节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4063

4063. About the inflow of the grand human being

I realized that anyone may know that the whole human being is held together by atmospheres, the air and the ether, and that their [working] from above is observed because the ether gravitates into all the least parts of the body, toward the center. Thus a human being cannot remain intact without the pressure of the atmospheres, thus cannot be held in form. It is evident also that the eye is formed entirely according to all the modifications of the ether, and the ear according to all the modifications of the air, and that the eye and the ear are therefore connected and interact with the ether and the air, otherwise neither could be what it is. Thus by means of those elements, those organs come forth and are maintained, and by them they are moved or modified. The eye and the ear are passive, or receiving forces, and the ether and the air active or acting forces. Thus those atmospheres are able to flow in and operate, and thus those organs are able to continue to exist - otherwise they could by no means do so.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4063


It was perceived that anyone may understand that the whole man is held in form by atmospheres, the air and the ether, and that its [pressure from] above may be observed from the fact that the ether gravitates upon all the minutest parts of the body towards the center. Man therefore cannot exist without the pressure of atmospheres, thus cannot be retained in his form. It appears also that the eye is formed altogether in reference to the various modifications of the ether, and the ear in reference to those of the air, and that the eye and the ear have thus a nexus and correspondence with the ether and the air, as otherwise neither could be what it is. Thus each exists and subsists according to those elements, and by them is moved and modified. The eyes and the ears, therefore, are passive and recipient powers and the ether and the air active or acting power. In this manner then those atmospheres can flow in and operate, and thus can those organs subsist; but by no means otherwise.

Experientiae Spirituales 4063 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4063. De influxu maximi hominis

Perceptum, quod quivis scire possit, quod totus homo contineatur ab atmosphaeris, aere et aethere, et quod sursum ejus percipiatur, quia gravitat aether in omnes minimas partes corporis, versus centrum; ita non homo potest consistere, absque atmosphaerarum pressione, sic non in forma sua teneri: constat quoque quod oculus prorsus formatus sit secundum omnes modificationes aetheris, et quod auris secundum omnes modificationes aeris, et quod ita oculus et auris nexum et correspondentiam habeant cum aethere et aere, alioquin non tales esse possent, ita secundum ea existunt et subsistunt, et per ea moventur aut modificantur, sunt oculus et auris vires passivae seu recipientes, et aether et aer vires activae seu agentes; ita possunt atmosphaerae istae influere, et operari, et sic possunt organa ista

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