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《灵界经历》 第4065节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4065

4065. The Lord Alone flows in and works all Good and Truth; and because the human race is such that its endeavor is nothing but evil, and must be bent away from passions and through passions toward goodness, and from convictions of falsity toward truths, therefore the Lord acts indirectly through heaven and the world of spirits in diverse ways befitting each person's nature. Therefore it is said that He acts indirectly through the grand human being, for if the Lord should flow in directly apart from the grand human being, then [the human race] could never survive, not even for a minute of time. But still all Good and all Truth is the Lord's, which is then tempered by the inflow of angels and spirits. 1748, 25 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4065

4065. The Lord alone flows in and operates all Good and Truth; and because the human race is such that its tendency [conatus] is only evil, and is to be bent or inclined by cupidities and through cupidities to the good, and by the persuasions of the false to the true, therefore the Lord acts mediately through heaven and the world of spirits, yet diversely according to the nature or genius of every man. Therefore it is said that he acts mediately through the Grand Man; for if the Lord should flow in immediately apart from the Grand Man, man could by no means live for a single moment of time; but yet all Good and Truth is of the Lord, which is thus tempered through the influx of angels and spirits. - 1748, November 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 4065 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4065. Dominus Solus influit et operatur omne Bonum et Verum; et quia humanum genus est tale, ut ejus conatus est non nisi quam malus, et a cupiditatibus et per cupiditates ad bona, aque persuasionibus falsi ad vera flectendus, ideo Dominus mediate agit per coelum et mundum spirituum, diversimode secundum cujusvis hominis naturam; ideo dictum quod mediate per maximum hominem; nam si absque maximo homine, immediate Dominus influeret, tunc nequaquam potest, ne quidem minuto temporis vivere, sed usque omne Bonum et omne Verum est Domini, quod sic temperatur per influxum angelorum et spirituum. 1748, 25 Nov.

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