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《灵界经历》 第4066节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4066

4066. It was interjected that if the eye and the ear have been formed according to the modifications of the atmospheres, then it was not according to the inflow of the grand human being; but it was seen that what is earthly cannot possibly come forth apart from what is spiritual, and nothing at all except from its beginning from which, thus neither can it be maintained. Therefore since the spiritual is the beginning and origin of earthly things, earthly things can in no wise come forth or be maintained without the inflow of spiritual ones - nor can anything come forth and be maintained except from those things that are outside of man. So there must necessarily be spiritual things with which earthly ones may interact, so that there are not only such atmospheres, but also such [interacting] organs. 1748, 25 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4066

4066. It was insinuated, that if the eye and the ear were formed to the modifications of atmospheres, it would then not be according to the influx of the Grand Man; but it was perceived that nothing natural can by any means exist without something spiritual or from its own peculiar principle, thus neither can it subsist; wherefore since the spiritual is the principle and origin of the natural, the natural cannot possibly exist, so neither subsist, without the influx of the spiritual; neither can anything exist or subsist unless from those things which are extraneous to man. Spiritual things therefore are necessary with which natural things may correspond. Thus the atmospheres must be such as they are in order that the organs may be such as they are. - 1748, November 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 4066 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4066. Infusum, quod si oculus et auris ad atmosphaerarum modificationes sint formata, quod sic non secundum influxum maximi hominis; sed perceptum, quod naturale nusquam existere possit absque spirituali, et nihil quicquam quam a suo principio a quo, ita nec subsistere; quare cum spirituale est principium et origo naturalium, naturalia nequaquam existere, ita nec subsistere possunt absque influxu spiritualium: nec quicquam existere et subsistere potest, nisi ab iis quae extra hominem; ita necessario erunt spiritualia, quibus correspondeant naturalia; ita non solum quod atmosphaerae tales sint, quam quod organa talia. 1748, 25 Nov.

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