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《灵界经历》 第4067节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4067

4067. What it is to be nothing

I heard when the most deceitful ones overhead were speaking among themselves, even wanting to destroy me, that they said they could not, because "he" is nothing, and if he were something, they would be able to. Then I realized that to be something as something of one's own - that it was then so portrayed that they could attack and destroy it, and that then the most deceitful ones would have that right. But when it was represented that I was nothing, then it seemed to them that they had no power over what was then seen to be nothing, for then they did not have anything to attack. Thus he is safe who having the truth of faith, believes himself to be nothing. 1748, 25 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4067


It was perceived that when the most deceitful spirits above the head spoke among themselves, wishing even to destroy me, they said they could not do it, because there was nothing of me to be found, but if there had been anything, they could have done it. It was then perceived, and so represented, that for one to be anything, so as to have a proprium, was to present something which they could assault and destroy, as the most deceitful would then have it in their power. But when it was represented that I was, as it were, nothing, then they seemed to themselves, to have no power over that which thus appeared as nothing, for they would then have nothing to assault. Thus he is safe who in true faith believes himself to be nothing. - 1748, November 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 4067 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4067. Quid nihil esse

Perceptum, cum dolosissimi supra caput, loquerentur inter se, etiam volentes me perdere, sed dicebant, quod non possent, quia nihil est, et si aliquid esset, quod possent, perceptum tunc, quod aliquid esse, ut proprium quid, quod erat tunc quod id possent aggredi et perdere, ita repraesentatum, et quod tunc dolosissimi possent in id jus habere, at cum repraesentaretur, quod nihil essem, tunc iis videbatur nullam potestatem habere in id quod visum sic, ut nihil, nam non haberent aliquid quod aggrederentur: ita tutus est, qui in veritate fidei nihil se credit. 1748, 25 Nov.

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