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《灵界经历》 第4068节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4068

4068. About the most ancient Church

Those spoke with me who had been the noble offspring of the most ancient Church, who were high overhead, spoken of earlier [3925]. When they had spoken with me, the most deceitful, who are the highest up fell down above my head and thus gravitated onto my head, so that I felt them as a weight on my head pushing me into the depth, for they were gravitating toward the depth. My head was in their way, blocking their fall.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4068


There spoke with me those who were the noble offspring of the Most Ancient Church, who were high above the head and of whom mention has been made before. When they spoke with me, then the most deceitful, who were at a great height above, glided down to a station over my head, and gravitated upon the head so heavily that I perceived that there was a weight insomuch that if they had not been directly over my head, I should have sunk into the depth below, for they gravitated strongly downwards; but as my head was [in a perpendicular line] opposite to them they could not effect any such depression.

Experientiae Spirituales 4068 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4068. De antiquissima Ecclesia

Loquuti sunt mecum ii qui proles nobilis antiquissimae Ecclesiae fuerunt, qui alte supra caput, de qua prius [3925], cum loquuti mecum, tunc dolosissimi qui altissime delapsi sunt super caput meum gravitabant ita in caput ut sentirem ut pondus super capite meo, quod in profundum [tendebat], nam versus profundum gravitabant, caput meum erat obvium, quare non poterant.

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