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《灵界经历》 第408节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 408

408. About some who had been instructed, and not wanting to recognize God the Messiah, were thrust down and cast out of heaven

For several days there had been some in the heaven of spirits who were stirring up trouble and persuading others that God the Messiah was not the mediator, besides other hostile sayings inspired by their fantasy. They had led many astray, thus causing a kind of rebellion, in which certain ones joined up with them. While this was going on for several days, God the Messiah, as He had been present before to my spiritual vision, seemed to have disappeared, and so I was abandoned to these spirits' fantasy of recognizing only Jehovah the Father of God the Messiah, without a mediator. All this I was granted to see by spiritual vision, wondering what would come of it.

Presently I heard, and sensed by spiritual vision, that the rebelling spirits had been seized with pain, and that that band had been cast out, and were being miserably tormented. This I am now hearing from them. There is much moaning and weeping. They number near the tens of thousands, as they declare, begging that no one let himself be misled again, if he does not want to suffer indescribable tortures.

This and a like gang is meant where God the Messiah speaks of one who slipped into the feast not clothed in a wedding garment, and was cast out from it [Matt. 22:11-14]. 1747, 28 Dec.

They were cast into a swamp.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 408


For several days in the heaven of spirits there have been those who were exciting disturbances and persuading others that God Messiah was not the Mediator, besides other things which they interjected from phantasy, and they have seduced many. For this reason there arose a rebellion, as it were, certain spirits associating themselves with them. This rebellion lasted for some days, during which time God Messiah as He had been before in spiritual vision disappeared, as it were, from me, and thus I have been left to the phantasy of those spirits, who acknowledged only Jehovah, the Father of God Messiah, thus without a mediator, which it was granted me to perceive in spiritual vision. I wondered what would happen as a result. Presently I heard, and by spiritual vision sensed, that the rebels were seized with pain, and that that crowd was cast out and was being miserably tortured, as I now hear from them. There are lamentations upon lamentations. There are almost myriads, as they say, praying that no one should suffer himself to be seduced any more, unless he wants to undergo unspeakable torments. From this and a similar band it is understood what God Messiah says of the man who had also insinuated himself into the feast, not being clothed with a wedding garment, and who was cast out. [ Matt. xxii 11.] 1747, Dec. 28. They have been cast into the lake.

Experientiae Spirituales 408 (original Latin 1748-1764)

408. De iis, qui instructi fuerunt, et non agnoscere volebant. Deum Messiam, quod deturbati et ejecti e coelo

Per aliquot dies fuerunt in coelo spirituum, qui turbas excitabant, persuadebantque aliis, quod Deus Messias non esset mediator, praeter alia, quae ii ex phantasia obloquuti sunt, et seduxerunt plures, quare quasi rebellio facta est, quidam se ad eos associantes, quod dum per aliquot dies perstitit, tunc mihi quasi disparuit Deus Messias, sicut spirituali visione prius fuit, et sic relictus eorum spirituum phantasiae, quod unice Jehovam Dei Messiae Patrem, sic absque mediatore, agnoscerent, quod visione spirituali percipere mihi concessum est, miratus quid inde fieret; mox audivi, et per visionem spiritualem sentivi 1

, quod rebelles dolore correpti sunt, et quod turma ista ejecta est, et quod misere torquerentur, quod ab iis nunc audio, sunt lamentationes super lamentationes, sunt paene myriades, ut ajunt, precantes ut nemo se amplius seduci patiatur, nisi sustinere velit cruciatus ineffabiles; de hac et simili turba intellectum est, ubi Deus Messias loquitur, quod in convivium etiam se insinuavit, qui non veste nuptiali indutus est, ac inde ejectus [Matth. XXII: 11-14]. 1747, 28 Dec.

Ii conjecti sunt in stagnum.


1. = sensi

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