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《灵界经历》 第409节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 409

409. About the many and the different ways of flushing out those who find their way into heaven and think they are in heaven because they are welcomed by the heavenly, who love as many as come, and believe all their qualities to be genuine, until they are exposed

In an uninterrupted spiritual vision, I experienced, and was also now and then taught aloud, that heaven is purged by various means of those who steal in, putting on what looks like a wedding garment, pretending to be angels. They display themselves in outer form as angels, but inwardly they are wolves who are continually leading believers astray. These are let in by believers because, amongst the multitude being freed from the pit, there are many of the kind who have not yet been purged. These wander among good spirits and angels, slipping into their company in angelic guise, and then, behaving in conformity with their shrewd talents and the sneaky character still with them, they entice the innocent to their side through intrigues that are second nature to them.

They are especially those who are steeped in self-love, and in various worldly loves. They indeed have stored within them the knowledge that there is a heavenly marriage. It is that very wedding feast the whole world is invited to [Matt. 22:9], which they thus slip into, and thereupon seek to destroy, so that they may obtain supreme power and then, from hatred, work against all in heaven.

How these matters stand, and how these spirits were exposed, and how they were cast down from that heaven in bands, would be too much to tell. However, they who have been cast down out of that feast are treated miserably, being thrown into a swamp. When they may again be delivered from there, no one can say, for one's term of imprisonment in the swamp, as well as one's depth in it, differ according to each person's wickedness. If the wickedness is only superficial, the punishment is lighter than that of people who, by bringing evil into act, have developed deeper roots.

Very many were surprised that gangs of this kind emerged in that realm, because nothing appears there but turmoil, confusion and condemnation. Therefore, so that they could be shown the nature and magnitude of the heaven of God the Messiah, this was also portrayed by a wonderful flowing movement of countless numbers of stars, and an actual voice then said to them that such, and so great, is the Heaven of God the Messiah. It was added that that gang only appears as a multitude, but that this kind of purging occurs every day and at every moment - otherwise mankind, with all its different states, could never be purified, so as to be able to stay in heaven. 1747, the 28th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 409


By a continuous spiritual vision I have found by experience, and have also been frequently instructed by a living voice, that heaven by diverse means is purified of those who insinuate themselves into it, and outwardly clothe themselves with a wedding garment as it were, and pretend they are angels, that is, who in external form represent angels, but inwardly are wolves, and continually seduce the faithful. Such spirits are admitted by the faithful, and it follows as a consequence that there are also many such among the multitude who are liberated from the pit, who have not yet been devastated. These wander about amongst good spirits and angels, insinuating themselves under an angelic form, and according to the genius of their cunning and the nature of the deceit remaining with them, they allure by their engrafted machinations the inoffensive to their side. They are especially those who are imbued with the love of self, also those who are imbued with the diverse loves of the world, who indeed hide in those loves that there is a heavenly marriage, which is the same as the "feast" to which the whole world is called, [Matthew xxii]; they thus insinuate themselves into this feast, and afterwards want to destroy it, in order that they may obtain the chief power, and thus from hatred they want to act against all in heaven, however many they are. How the case is with regard to these things, and in what manner these spirits are exposed, and how they are forcibly ejected from that heaven in troops, would be too tedious to say. Those who are forcibly ejected from that feast, however, are treated miserably, for they are cast into the lake. When they may be taken out again can be known to no one, for the time of their incarceration in that lake varies in accordance with the malice of each one, and the deeper the malice, the more deeply [are they inserted]. If they are only on the surface their punishment is easier than that of those who from actual evil have formed deeper roots. Very many have wondered that there should be such crowds in this sphere, for there appears to be nothing but disturbance, confusion and condemnation; wherefore, in order that it might be shown to them of what quality and how great is the heaven of God Messiah, this was also represented by the wonderful flow of the indefinite number of stars, and it was then said with a living voice, that such and so great is the heaven of God Messiah, and that that crowd is only apparently a multitude. For a similar purification takes place every day and every moment, otherwise man can never be purified, so that as to all states he may be able to subsist in heaven. 1747, Dec. 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 409 (original Latin 1748-1764)

409. De purificatione multiplici et varia spirituum se in coelum insinuantium, et putantium se in coelo esse, quia admittuntur a coelestibus, qui amant quotcunque veniunt, et credunt omnia genuina esse, antequam deteguntur

Per continuam visionem spiritualem expertus sum, etiam viva voce passim instructus, quod coelum purificetur diversis mediis, ab iis qui se insinuant in coelum, et extrinsecus induunt se veste quasi nuptiali, ac simulant se angelos esse, hoc est, qui externa forma repraesentant angelos, sed interne sunt lupi, et continue seducunt fideles: quod tales admittantur a fidelibus, inde sequitur, quod inter multitudinem, qui e fovea liberantur, etiam sint plures tales, qui nondum devastati sunt, ii vagantur inter spiritus bonos, ac angelos, seque sub forma angelica insinuant, et secundum calliditatis eorum genium, et doli remanentis naturam, machinationibus insitis pellectant 1

innocuos 2

in suas partes, sunt imprimis ii qui sui amore sunt imbuti, tum qui mundi amoribus diversis, qui quidem in iis recondunt, quod conjugium coeleste [detur], quod idem est, ac convivium, ad quod universus orbis est vocatus [Matth. XXII: 9], in quod se ita insinuant, ac id postea volunt destruere, ut ii potirentur summa potestate, et sic ex odio agere contra omnes quotcunque in coelo sunt. Quomodo haec se habent, et quomodo detecti, et quomodo deturbati a coelo isto turmatim, prolixum foret dicere, usque ii qui e convivio isto deturbati sunt, misere tractantur, quia in stagnum conjecti sunt; quando inde rursus eximantur, nemini constare potest, nam tempus carceris in stagno variatur secundum cujusvis malitiam, et secundum eam, quo altior est: si in superficie solum, facilior eorum est punitio, quam eorum qui ex actuali malo altiores formarunt radices. Mirati sunt perplures quod tales turbae in hac sphaera existerent 3

, quia nihil nisi turba, confusio, et condemnatio apparet, quare ut iis ostenderetur quale et quantum coelum Dei Messiae est, etiam id repraesentatum per fluxionem mirabilem indefinitorum numerorum stellarum, et viva voce tunc dictum, quod tale et tantum est Coelum Dei Messiae, et quod turba ista sit modo apparens multitudo, nam similis purificatio quotidie et quovis momento existit, aliter nequaquam purificari potest homo, ut quoad omnes status, in coelo subsistere queat. 1747, d. 28 Dec.


1. < per + laetare et significans pellieiunt

2. exitus abscissus in the Manuscript

3. The Manuscript has existeret

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