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《灵界经历》 第410节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

410. 此外,亚伯拉罕(此处的亚伯拉罕无疑是扮演他的某个灵人)和他周围觉得自己似乎在最高天堂的那帮人也被逐出,现如今在较低的部分。这帮人尽管为数很少,却密谋反对弥赛亚神的天堂,反对弥赛亚神。至于亚伯拉罕,必须谨慎地谈论他;我被告知,他现在也正在受惩罚。(1747年12月28日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 410

410. Abraham also, together with the gang around him that imagined itself to be at the top of heaven, was also cast out, and is now in the lower parts. This gang, even though they were few, had nevertheless conspired against the Heaven of God the Messiah, and against God the Messiah. As for Abraham, he must be spoken about cautiously; I am told that he also is now being punished. 1747, the 28th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 410

410. Moreover, Abraham 1together with the crowd around him, which seemed to itself to be in the highest heaven, has also been cast out, and is now in the lower parts. This crew was still few in number, and nevertheless they conspired against the heaven of God Messiah, and against God Messiah. What has regard to Abraham must be said with caution I am told that he also is now being punished. 1747, Dec. 28.


1. The Abraham here referred to was doubtless some spirit who acted the part. See n. 281; WE 5593; CL 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 410 (original Latin 1748-1764)

410. Abrahamus etiam cum turba circum eum, quae in summo coelo sibi videbatur esse, etiam ejecta 1

est, et nunc in inferioribus, quae turba usque pauca fuit, et tamen conspiraverunt contra Coelum Dei Messiae, et contra Deum Messiam; quod Abrahamum attinet, caute loquendum; quod is etiam nunc puniatur, mihi dicitur. 1747, die 28 Dec.


1. sic ms sed in J.F.I. Tafel's edition ejectus substituit

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