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《灵界经历》 第4124节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4124

4124. There are countless kinds of marital happiness

Earlier, in a state midway between wakefulness and sleep, I perceived clearly that there are countless universal kinds of marital happiness. I told spirits about this and said that it could never be realized and acknowledged unless one were in an inward state. Therefore they were let into an inward state by the Lord, and then spoke with me, saying that they were feeling that the kinds of happiness of marriage love were of a countlessly large number. 1748, 10 Dec.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4124


Some time ago, while in an intermediate state between waking and sleep, I had a manifest perception, that the universal genera of conjugial felicities are indefinite. This was related to spirits, and it was said that the truth on this head can never be perceived and acknowledged, but in an interior state. Wherefore some of them were remitted by the Lord into an interior state, and thence spoke with me, saying, that they indeed apperceived the genera of the felicities of conjugial love to be indefinite in point of number. - 1748, December 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 4124 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4124. Quod indefinita genera felicitatum conjugii

Prius in statu inter vigiliam et somnum medio, percepi manifeste, quod felicitatum conjugii genera universalia sint indefinita, hoc narratum spiritibus, et dictum, quod nequaquam hoc percipi et agnosci possit, nisi in statu interiori, quare missi in statum interiorem a Domino, et tunc mecum loquuti, dicentes quod apperciperent genera felicitatum amoris conjugialis esse numero indefinita. 1748, 10 Dec.

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