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《灵界经历》 第4125节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4125

4125. About the memory of spirits

If spirits were permitted to use their bodily memory, they would in no wise be able to be in the company of other spirits, for then evil spirits would know at once whatever of evil the spirit had thought and done, for all mental imagery is communicated in the other life. In this way they would bring forth out of his memory nothing else but evils and falsities, and would then rush at him, continually attacking and tormenting him. Therefore the Lord Alone knows what a human being had thought and done before becoming a spirit. 1748, 11 Dec.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4125


If it were permitted to spirits to be in corporeal memory, they could not possibly be among other spirits, for then evil spirits would immediately know whatever of evil anyone had thought or done; for all ideas are communicated in the other life. Thus they would bring forth from his memory nothing else than evils and falses, and thus would rush upon him and continually infest and torment him. Wherefore the Lord alone knows what man thinks and does prior to his becoming a spirit. - 1748, December 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 4125 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4125. De memoria spirituum

Si spiritibus permitteretur esse in memoria corporea, neutiquam possent inter alios spiritus esse, nam tunc illico scirent spiritus mali, quicquid mali cogitavit et fecit, nam ideae omnes in altera vita communicantur, ita nihil aliud producerent ex memoria ejus quam mala et falsa, et sic in eum ruerent, continue infestarent, et cruciarent; quare Dominus Solus novit quid homo antequam spiritus factus, cogitavit et fecit. 1748, 11 Dec.

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