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《灵界经历》 第413节

(一滴水译本 2020--)







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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 413

413. There are three different kinds of people and souls

The human race, as also their souls after the death of the body, can be distinguished into three kinds. 1) The first kind, which is the largest and the most common, are like the wild animals of the forest, that is, against order. 2) The second kind is in some order, yet not from a genuine source but from a lower source, still looking downwards like the beasts of the earth. They are able to perform good deeds resembling those that come from true caring, but which regard [only] worldly values. So they are not among those who believe in God the Messiah: and gentiles of good character can be counted among them, who are able to be regenerated more easily than the rest. 3) The third kind is heavenly, due to their belief in God the Messiah. Their works are acts of true caring, and these acts are the fruits of their belief.

These things I did not hear, or speak about with anyone, but something like this was pictured in my thought in a dream-like vision. However, I can also draw the inference from it that there is yet another kind, perhaps intermediate between the first and the second. 1747, the 28th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 413


The human race, as also their souls after the life of the body, can be divided into three kinds: The first kind, which is the largest and most common, consists of those who are like the wild beasts of the forest, that is, are contrary to order. The second kind is [in agreement] with order, not, however, from a genuine, but from a kind of inferior, source; they still look downwards like the beasts of the earth; they can practice works as if they were of charity, but yet they have regard to worldly things; thus they are those who are not of faith in God Messiah. Gentiles of a good disposition, who can be regenerated more easily than the others, can be reckoned amongst them. The third kind is heavenly from faith in God Messiah; their works are charities, and their charities are the fruits of faith. I have not heard these things, nor have I spoken to anyone about this matter, but in thought, something similar was represented in a kind of dreaming state; I could thence conclude, however, that there is yet another kind, perhaps intermediate between the first and the second. 1747, Dec. 28. 1


1. The entry in the Index (s.v. Homo) is:

"There are three kinds of men and of spirits, viz.: those who are like wild beasts of the forest, against all order; those who are like beasts, upright, but not from faith; those who are like men, because merciful from faith."

Experientiae Spirituales 413 (original Latin 1748-1764)

413. Sunt tres diferentiae generales inter homines et animas

Genus humanum ut et animae eorum post vitam corporis in tria genera dispesci possunt; 1m genus, quod maximum est, et maxime commune, quod sint instar ferarum sylvestrium, hoc est, contra ordinem.

2) Alterum genus est quidem cum ordine, sed non ex genuino fonte, sed ex inferiori quodam fonte, sed usque spectant deorsum, sicut bestiae terrae, possunt exercere opera quasi charitatis, sed usque spectant mundana; ita sunt ii qui non sunt ex fide in Deum Messiam, gentes bonae indolis inter eos referri possunt, quae facilius retiquis possunt regenerari.

3) Tertium est coeleste, ex fide in Deum Messiam, eorum opera sunt charitates, et charitates sunt fructus fidei. Haec non audivi, nec cum aliquo locutus de eo, sed in cogitatione, aliquid simile in somnicundi 1

specie repraesentatum, sed usque inde concludere possim, quod adhuc aliud genus sit; forte intermedium inter primum et secundum. 1747, die 28 Dec.


1. exitus valde incertus in the Manuscript; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition somniandi

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