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《灵界经历》 第4141节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4141

4141. About excrements

I saw how those women who had lived in voluptuous pleasures labor with filthy excrement, casting it out with wooden paddles, and so they go on. And it was said that they take the greatest delight in it, or that it is pleasant to them, for voluptuousness is turned into such enjoyments. There are others, however, who do not find it pleasant, but offensive and revolting, and those were said to be men and women who choose voluptuous pleasures from adopted principles. 1749, 114Febr.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4141


I saw how those female spirits who had lived in pleasures labor in vile excrements. Those filthy bodily excrements they continue to void, and it was said that they greatly delight in them, or that they were pleasant to them, for [corrupt] pleasures are turned [in the other life] into such things. Others, however, do not feel this delight [from such a source], but on the contrary something offensive and revolting. It was said that those of this class, whether males or females, are they who from assumed principles, prefer voluptuous enjoyments to all others. - 1749, February 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 4141 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4141. De excrementis

Vidi quomodo cum excrementis luteis laborant illae quae in voluptatibus vixerunt: lutea excrementa ligneis ejiciunt, et sic continuant; et dictum quod maxime delectentur iis, seu quod iis jucunda sint, nam voluptates vertuntur in talia jucunda, sunt aliae, quae non jucundum sentiunt sed tetrum et coactum, dictum quod illi vel illae sint, qui ex principiis captis voluptates praeferunt. 1749, 14 Febr.

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