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《灵界经历》 第4142节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4142

4142. Concerning abodes

Sometimes while sleeping I have observed in my own garden several abodes of laborers, with arched stone entrances at ground level, and neatly constructed rooms within. I was surprised that they were there in the garden, without my knowing it. Similarly, [there were abodes] also at a second height, to which one had to ascend by ladders, and at a third, where there were shepherds, meadows and groves.

Last night also I dreamt vividly that there was an abode at ground level in the garden, with a room that I saw, and I spoke in the dream with him who dwelt there. When I awoke, I spoke with them, who replied as if in their sleep. Near the ground there were workers, with whom there was a discussion about a census. 1749, 116Febr.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4142


I have sometimes observed in sleep that in my garden at Stockholm there were various mansions of doves near the earth with stone entrances and enclosures and chambers of beautiful construction within. I wondered that there were such things in my garden and yet I had not known it; and that at a different height [above the earth], to which it was necessary to ascend by ladders [a similar sight was to be seen], and the same also at a third elevation, where were shepherds, meadows, and groves. During the last night also I had a vivid perception in a dream of a mansion near the earth in a garden in which was a chamber that I saw, and with the tenant of which I spoke in my dream. On awaking I spoke with the spirits around me, who answered me as if being themselves in a dream. Near the earth were artisans with whom a conversation was held concerning a census. - 1749, February 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 4142 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4142. De mansionibus

Aliquoties in somno observavi quod in horto Stockholmiae ad me [pertinente], fuerint variae mansiones laboratorum, prope terram, cum lapideis introitibus et cincturis, et intus camerae, concinne factae, miratus quod in horto et nesciverim, etiam quod in altera altitudine [mansiones], ad quam per scalas ascenderetur, et in tertia, ubi pastores, prata et luci; etiam hac nocte somniavi vive quod mansio prope terram in horto, cum camera, quam vidi et loquutus cum illo in somnio, qui habitabat ibi: cum vigil factus loquutus cum illis, qui mihi respondebant sicut in 268 somno: prope terram erant artifices: de censu erat sermo cum illis. 1749, 16 Febr.

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