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《灵界经历》 第4143节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4143

4143. About the materials of words

It happened that when I was taking certain words from my collection, in order to insert them into the text that was being written, and I was taking and inserting only a single word from those that were not in my memory, then a change of spirits took place, so that different spirits came in their place, and the former ones complained much and quite mournfully that now they could not be present, but were being driven away - which struck me as strange. The reason was, that spirits came in their place who indulge in words, or the material qualities of speech, while the former only in the thoughts. Thus it was granted me to learn from experience that the former spirits and these ones, due to their contrary auras, cannot be together. For those who inhere in the material qualities of a word deprive those who only want to think, of the faculty of thinking. But angelic spirits moved away, because they are in the aura of thought and thus control the inward regions of thought; but the spirits wanted to control also the outward regions of thought - which ability has therefore now been taken away from them, because they operate by convictions. 1749, 17 Febr. This all shows that spirits of reason cannot be together with spirits of knowledge, and that they are altogether distinct from one another.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4143


It happened that when I took certain words from my collection to insert them in what I was writing, and when for that purpose I took but a single word from the things which were not in my memory, there then occurred a change of spirits. Other spirits succeeded, and the former complained much and with no little lamentation that thus they could not be present but were driven away because something foreign had occurred to me. The reason was, that spirits succeeded who indulged in words, or the materials of speech, while the former were accustomed solely to thought. I was thus taught by experience that owing to a mutually contrary sphere these two classes of spirits could not be present together; for those who inhere in the materials of the Word take away the faculty of thinking from those who wish only to think. But the angelic spirits removed them, because they are within the sphere of thought and thus control the interiors of thought. But spirits wished to control the exteriors of thought, which power is now taken from them, because they act by persuasions. - 1749, February 17. Hence it appears that rational spirits cannot be present together with scientific, and that they are altogether distinct from each other.

Experientiae Spirituales 4143 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4143. De materialibus vocum

Accidit, cum desumerem aliquas voces ex collectione mea, ut insererem iis quae scriberentur, et solum unam vocem ex iis desumerem et insererem, quae non in memoria mea, tunc fiebat mutatio spirituum, alii spiritus successerunt, et alii conquesti sunt multum et satis lamentabiliter quod sic non adesse queant, sed quod abigerentur, quod mihi peregrinum obvenit; causa erat, quia spiritus successerunt, qui vocibus indulgent, seu materialibus loquelae, et priores solum cogitationibus, ita ab experientia discere datum, quod non simul possint esse illi spiritus et hi, ex sphaera iis contraria, nam qui materialibus Verbi inhaerent adimunt illis qui cogitare solum volunt, facultatem cogitandi; sed spiritus angelici removebant, quia illi intra sphaeram cogitationis sunt, et sic regunt cogitationis interiora; at spiritus voluerunt regere etiam cogitationis exteriora, quod sic iis nunc ademptum est, quia persuasionibus agunt. 1749, 17 Febr. Exinde constat quod spiritus rationales non possint simul esse cum spiritibus scientificis, et quod prorsus distincti sint.

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