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《灵界经历》 第4144节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4144

4144. About that which is one's own

Spirits are displeased and complain when they realize that someone else is leading them; as soon as they notice this, they cannot bear it - not caring when they do not notice it, for then they imagine that they are leading themselves, or thinking, speaking and acting on their own. This sometimes happens when they are being led by others, and it is proven to them, which they cannot stand, also when they notice it is coming from me. From this one can see how difficult it is to convince them that they do not live from themselves.

But entirely different is the condition of angels, who do not desire to think, speak, act from themselves. 1749, 19 Febr.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4144


Spirits are indignant and complain when they perceive that another leads them. As soon as they observe this it becomes intolerable to them. Yet they care nothing for it when they do not observe it; they then think that they lead themselves, or that they think, speak, and act from themselves. This sometimes happens even when they are led by others, and the fact is shown them; but they cannot bear it even when they observe that the teaching is from me. Thus it appears how difficult it is to persuade them that they do not live of themselves. Altogether different is the condition of the angels, who do not wish to think, speak, or act from themselves. - 1749, February 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 4144 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4144. De proprio

Spiritus indignantur et conqueruntur, cum percipiunt quod alius ducat eos, ut primum hoc animadvertunt, non possunt tolerare; nihil curantes, cum non animadvertunt, tunc putant se semet ducere, seu ex semet cogitare, loqui et agere: hoc aliquoties contigit, cum ab aliis ducerentur, et id iis ostensum, quod non possunt tolerare, etiam dum animad269 270 verterunt quod a me, ita quam difficile sit eis persuadere, quod non vivant a se; sed alia prorsus est conditio angelorum, qui a semet cogitare, loqui, agere non volunt. 1749, 19 Febr.

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