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《灵界经历》 第4213节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4213

4213. On the inflow of the life of the evil, and of the good

When evil spirits flow in by their mental imagery, whether they are speaking or not speaking, then they cause the objects to be as if alive, but they are not living, but dead. They appear alive, but are like something defiled in which there is no life. This defiled living thing is in itself dead, and is darkness. Their life of principles is also of this nature, appearing as light, but it is a wintry light. With the life of the good, the case is different. 1749, 14 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4213


When evil spirits flow in with their ideas, whether speaking or not speaking, they make the matters of communication to be, as it were, alive, but they are not alive but dead; they only appear so; they are as something lurid which is at the same time lifeless. This apparently living, or this lurid thing, is in itself dead and dark: such also is their life considered in its principles; it appears as light, but it is the light of winter; it is otherwise with the light of the good. - 1749, April 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 4213 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4213. De influxu vitae malorum, et bonorum

Cum mali spiritus influunt suis ideis, etiam loquendo vel non loquendo, tunc faciunt ea quasi viva, sed non sunt viva sed mortua, apparent viva, sed sunt sicut lurida, in quibus non vita; hoc vivum seu hoc luridum in se est mortuum et est tenebrosum; eorum vita principiorum talis quoque est, apparet sicut lux, sed est lux hyemalis; aliter vita bonorum. 1749, 14 April.

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