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《灵界经历》 第4214节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4214

4214. Portrayal with spirits; and about the broad way, and the narrow [Matt. 7:14]

All things can be portrayed before spirits, as if they were not depicted, but were seen just exactly as they appear in the world, such as gardens, groves, palaces, and showers. These appear just as if they were there, but they are portrayals, apparent, that is, not real, there being nothing that cannot be so portrayed - also human forms, and many other things, but they are fictitious portrayals, just like pictures appearing before the eyes.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4214


Everything may be represented before the eyes of spirits, not merely like things pictured, but precisely as they appear when seen by the natural eye in the world, as gardens, groves, palaces, and the like, all which appear just as they would [in this life], but they are still representations, or things apparent, and not real. There is nothing but that can be thus represented, as the forms of men and multitudes of other things; but they are fictitious representatives like certain optical illusions.

Experientiae Spirituales 4214 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4214. Repraesentatio apud spiritus, et de via lata et stricta [Matth. VII: 14]

Omnia possunt repraesentari coram spiritibus, sicut forent non picta, sed visa prorsus sicut in mundo, ut horti, luci, palatia, et pluvia, haec ita apparent sicut forent, sed sunt repraesentationes, apparentes, nempe non reales, nihil non ita repraesentari possunt; hominum quoque formae: et perplura, sed sunt repraesentativa ficta, sicut optice apparentia picta.

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