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《灵界经历》 第4239节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4239

4239. The sirens tried by means of their diverse arts to elude the punishers, the arts being that they tried suddenly to escape, [saying] that there were others present who were trying to harass the punishers, and to divert the punishments toward them, who wanted to rescue those who were being punished, pretending they themselves were not the ones who were to be punished, by saying that different ones maintained they were the punishable ones, by inducing the illusion with the punishers as if little children were the ones they were punishing, or as if they were angels, or other good spirits - indeed, as if they were the Lord himself - so that they might steal away, entering into a more subtle aura, so as to entice good spirits to their aid; and many more tricks equally wicked. But still, they were not able with all their arts to escape, but were severely punished.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4239

4239. The sirens endeavored by various arts to elude the punishers. Their arts were, that they attempted suddenly to withdraw themselves - that others were at hand, who strove to worry the punishers and to inflict the penalty upon them - that some would try to steal away the culprits, pretending that they were not guilty - that some would say that they were the ones that were punished - that some would induce upon the punishers the belief that they were punishing infants - some, angels - some, other good spirits - yea, some, the Lord himself, in order thus to steal them away, for which purpose they would enter into a more subtle sphere, hoping to allure good spirits to their aid - and in various other base ways. Still they were unable by all their arts to screen the guilty; they were most grievously punished.

Experientiae Spirituales 4239 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4239. Sirenes diversis artibus eludere volebant punitiores, artes erant, quod subito se tunc vellent eripere, quod alii adessent qui punitores lacessere vellent, et sic derivare in eos poenas, qui surripere vellent eos qui puniebantur, qui fingebant non in poena esse, per id quod alii se dicebant esse eos qui puniebantur, qui inducebant punitoribus quasi infantes esse, quos punirent, quasi angelos, quasi alios bonos, imo ipsum Dominum, ut sic surriperent, in sphaeram subtiliorem intrando, ut sic allicerent in auxilium spiritus bonos, et plura, quoque nefanda; sed usque non poterant se artibus istis surripere, puniebantur gravissime.

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