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《灵界经历》 第4273节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4273

4273. These general streams of feelings exist at every level, flowing gently and steadily at the inner levels, with a happy variety, but at the outer levels not so, but as if unsteadily and more roughly. This is why instabilities so varied and disconnected appear at outward levels, as do those of all objects. But still they are directly by a general aura, according to the reception and the state of each. 1749, 16 May. 1Because this inflow is like an atmospheric river, the Lord said of those who are to be regenerated that it takes place just as the wind blows, and that they do not know whence it comes nor whither it goes [John 3:8], so it is entirely in the case of inflow, which can never be described, nor demonstrated to man, unless he is a spirit. This can be, and has been demonstrated to spirits. This showed also that the inflow of life is from the Lord Alone, and that the life causes all to suppose that they live. And that inflow is mercy, from which come all feelings of love and of truth. That all life is from feeling as its general manifestation is obvious, for unless one is touched by enjoyment, and like feelings, one does not live at all.


1. Astrological symbol of Mars, meaning Tuesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4273

4273. These rivers of general affections exist in every degree; in interiors flowing more gently, and constantly, and with a pleasing variety; but in exteriors, incessantly and roughly, as it were, whence it is that such various, irregular and incoherent promptings appear in exteriors, as if made up of pure activity, though they are still directed by the general sphere, according to reception and state in everyone. - 1749, May 16. Inasmuch as these influences thus resemble, as it were, an atmospheric river or stream, therefore the Lord says in regard to regeneration, that it is as the wind blowing, of which a man knows not whence it comes nor whither it goes. It is altogether thus in respect to influx, which cannot possibly be described nor shown to man unless he be a spirit; to spirits it may be shown and is shown. It thence also appeared that the influx of life is from the Lord alone, and that it affects all so that they think they live of themselves; and also that this influx is Divine mercy, whence are all the affections of love and truth. That all life is from affection, as from its general principle, everyone may be convinced, since if he is not affected by delight, or the like, he never [really] lives.

Experientiae Spirituales 4273 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4273. Hi communes affectionum fluvii sunt in quovis gradu, in interioribus leniter fluentes, et constanter, varietate felici, at in exterioribus non ita, sed quasi inconstanter et durius, inde fit quod appareant inconstantiae in exterioribus tam variae absque nexu, sicut omnium objectorum, sed usque diriguntur a communi sphaera, secundum receptionem in quovis, et statum ibi. 1749, 16 Maj. Quia haec ita se habent sicut atmosphaerae fluvius, dicitur a Domino de regenerandis: fit sicut ventus flat, et homo nescit unde venit, et quo vadit [Joh. III: 8], ita se prorsus habet influxus, qui nequaquam describi potest; nec homini ostendi, nisi spiritus sit, spiritibus hoc ostendi potest, et ostensum est. Inde constabat quoque quod influxus vitae sit a Solo Domino, et vita afficiat omnes, ut putent se vivere: et quod influxus sit misericordia, inde omnes affectiones amoris et veri; quod omnis vita ex affectione, ut a suo communi, unicuique constare potest, nisi afficiatur jucundo, et simili, nusquam vivit.

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