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《灵界经历》 第4279节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4279

4279. Evil spirits can also speak what is good, and thus serve

From experience: evil spirits can be let into a state in which they speak good and pious words, by the removal of bodily elements in certain states so as to be as if outside of themselves, as also evil people on earth can so speak, as well as think, when afraid, or in horror. They can also do this when they are let into a state of love of self and of the world, or of passions, as some preachers. They are able to do this when they are in darkness, so that they do not know what they are saying - being deprived of the life of falsity, which would otherwise obstruct through the darkness. Then they speak good things as if they were to a lesser or greater degree mentally absent. They can also do so when they are deprived of rationality, which frequently occurs. In this way spirits are led toward good qualities in the other life, and are purged.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4279


From experience; evil spirits may be brought into a state in which they shall utter things both good and pious; this is effected by a removal, in certain states, of corporeal things, so that they shall be, as it were, without themselves; just as wicked men may speak and think under the influence of fear and horror. They can speak thus, also, when they are brought into the state of the love of self and of the world, or of cupidities, as is the case with some preachers. They can do it too, when they are in a sort of obscurity, so that they know not what they speak, the life of falsity, which would otherwise oppose, being taken away by the darkness induced; they then utter good things, as being more or less absent in mind. The same thing occurs also when they are deprived of rationality, which is often the case. Thus spirits are led into goods in the other life and are vastated.

Experientiae Spirituales 4279 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4279. Quod spiritus mali etiam bonum loqui possint, et sic servire

Ab experientia; possunt spiritus mali mitti in statum ut loquantur bona et pia, per remotionem corporeorum in certis statibus, ut sint tanquam extra se, ut quoque homines mali possunt in timore, horrore ita loqui, etiam cogitare. Possunt etiam cum mittuntur in statum amoris sui et mundi, seu cupiditatum, ut aliqui praedicatores. Possunt, dum obscurantur, sic ut non sciant quid loquuntur, adempta vita falsi, quae alioquin obstaret per tenebras, tunc loquuntur bona tanquam absentes minus et magis. Possunt etiam cum rationalitate orbantur, quod multoties. Ita spiritus inducuntur in bona in altera vita, et vastantur.

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