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《灵界经历》 第4280节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4280

4280. On auras of affection

All auras of affection for good and truth are from the Lord. The more a spirit and an angel can be brought into harmony with the aura, the more perfect he is, both in quality and in quantity. I was shown by actual experience how certain societies of spirits were moved, by the Lord's aura of affection, to desire goodness and truth, and to resist evil and falsity - while other societies of spirits could not be so moved in the same aura. It was granted me to speak with them in their societies, who said that they were such [or such], and then to observe the differences, how one society is moved more and [another] less, still another not at all, and I spoke with them about the same subject, saying that every aura of affection has the characteristic that it is something general, in which spirits are as particulars, according to their states. Now they are saying that at that time they had been angry, and that state was the reason, and that there can be other states that could make them be different. 1749, 21 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4280


All spheres of the affection of goodness and truth are from the Lord. The more a spirit or an angel can be reduced into a state of harmony with such a sphere, the more perfect he is, both [as we may say] as to quality and quantity. It was shown me by lively experience how certain societies of spirits were affected by a sphere of the Lord's affections, causing them to will what was good and true, and to resist evil and the false, when other spirits in the same sphere could not do it. It was given to speak with those in societies who said they were of such a quality, and then to observe the differences, how one society was more or less affected, and another not at all, and I conversed with them on the subject. Every sphere of affection involves in it a certain general something, in which spirits are as to particulars, according to their states. They now say that they might then have been enraged, and from what cause, and that still other states were possible; in a word, that they might be otherwise than they are. - 1749, May 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 4280 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4280. De sphaeris affectionis

Omnes sphaerae affectionis boni et veri a Domino sunt: quo magis spiritus et angelus reduci possit, ut concordare possit cum sphaera, eo perfectior est, ita quoad quale et quantum; ostensum mihi per vivam experientiam, quomodo quaedam spirituum societates afficerentur a sphaera affectionum Domini, ut bonum et verum vellent, et resisterent malo et falso, cum aliae spirituum societates, in eadem sphaera non potuissent; loqui datum cum illis in societatibus, quae dicebant quod ii tales, inde observare datum differentias quomodo una societas afficitur magis et minus, alia nihil; et de eadem re loquutus cum iis: omnis sphaera affectionis secum habet, ut sit commune quoddam, in quo communi spiritus quoad particularia sunt, secundum status eorum; dicunt nunc quod tunc iratae fuissent, et [quod] inde; et quod alii status dari possint, ut aliter esse possint. 1749, 21 Maj.

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