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《灵界经历》 第4281节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4281

4281. About those women who had been purged even until they had little of life remaining: the sphincter of the anus

I was conducted to a place that few frequent, so I was told. It was dark, and there were many, many souls flitting about who had lived from ancient times, 2, 3, 4 thousand years, and had been purged. They were from among those who from being of the Church had become idolaters, so they had been daughters of the Church who had become idolaters. Their speech sounded as if they had very little of life remaining, as if coming from a pipe having but one tone, just like instruments through which others spoke, and then they felt as if they had something of life. They spoke with me, saying they now abide there. Their condition I cannot further call to mind, It is sad. They are able to perform some use - for the anus, to function as the sphincter of the anus, or the parts there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4281


I was brought into a place whither, as I was informed few come; there were a great many souls flitting about which had lived from ancient times, say two, three, and four thousand years, and were being vastated. They were among those who from being of the Church had become idolaters, as was the case with many of the daughters of the Church, who had lapsed into idolatry. Their speech was that of those who had very little life remaining, as it uttered through a pipe of one tone, or as if mere organs through which others spoke, and then they seemed to themselves to have something of life. They spoke with me and said that they were now remaining there; their state I cannot farther describe; it is extremely sad; they can still serve some use, as for instance that of the anus, to act as the sphincter ani, or the parts thereabouts.

Experientiae Spirituales 4281 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4281. De iis quae vastatae usque dum parum vitae residuum haberent: sphincter ani

Perductus sum in locum, ubi pauci veniunt, ut mihi dic tum, erat tenebrosum, et perplures animae volitantes, quae ab antiquo tempore 2, 3, 4000 annis vixerunt, et vastatae sunt, fuerunt ab iis, quae ab Ecclesia factae sunt idololatrae, sic ut fuerint Ecclesiae filiae, quae factae idololatrae, loquela earum erat ut perparum vitae residuum haberent, loquela erat quasi tibialis unius toni, prorsus sicut organa, per quae alii loquuti, et tunc aliquid vitae se habere sentiebant; mecum loquutae sunt, et dixerunt, quod ibi nunc degant, statum earum non amplius memorare possum, est tristis, alicui usui possunt inservire, pro ano, ut sint pro sphinctere ani, seu partibus ibi.

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