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《灵界经历》 第430节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

430.有些人有耶稣与他们同在,并因此而相信。在离我今天所在的气场,也就是灵人的气场很远的地方,有许多人出现,聚集到一处,声称他们有耶稣与他们同在,并且天天看见祂;他们是那些有得救之信的人。在这些人对面或下面也有许多人,他们也声称他们有基督与他们同在;他们有基于理解力的得救之信。因此,在圣言中,前者由亚伯拉罕和以撒来代表;而离他们很远的后者则由亚比米勒来代表。因为亚比米勒在立约之后离开了亚伯拉罕和以撒(创世记21:32,26:31,参看AC 3004-3011)。(1747年12月30日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 430

430. There are some who have Jesus with them, and therefore believe

At a great distance from the realm (that is, the realm of spirits) in which I was today, there were many gathered into one, who appeared, and said that they had Jesus with them, and saw Him daily; and they are those who have saving belief.

Opposite to them, or below, there were likewise many, who were also saying that they had Christ with them; and they have saving belief based on understanding.

Thus the former are portrayed in the Word by Abraham and Isaac, but the latter, who were at a distance from them, by Abimelech. For Abimelech departed from Abraham and Isaac after the covenant had been ratified [Gen. 21:32, 26:31]. 11747, the 30th day of December.

AC 3004-3011

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 430


There were many at a great distance from the sphere in which I have been today or from the sphere of spirits, who appeared gathered together into one place, and they said that they had Jesus with them, and saw Him daily: these are they who are in saving faith. Opposite to them, or beneath, there were likewise many who also said that they had Christ with them: they are of intellectual saving faith. The former are thus represented in the Word by Abraham and Isaac, but the latter, who were at a distance, by Abimelech; for Abimelech departed from Abraham and Isaac after their covenant was ratified. [See Gen. xxi 27-32, and xxvi 28-31.] 1747, Dec. 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 430 (original Latin 1748-1764)

430. Sunt, qui ad multam distantiam, a sphaera in qua hodie fui, seu a sphaera spirituum, plures in unum collecti, qui apparuerunt, et dixerunt, quod ii haberent Jesum apud se, et Ipsum quotidie viderent, suntque qui in fide salvifica; ex opposito eorum, seu infra, erant similiter multi, qui etiam dicebant se habere Christum apud se, et sunt ex fide intellectuali salvante; ita priores repraesentantur 1

in Verbo per Abrahamum et Isacum, hi autem per Abimelechum, qui distant, nam Abimelechus discessit ab Abrahamo et Isaco post foedus sancitum [Gen. XXI: 32, XXVI: 31]. 1747, die 30 Dec.


1. In the Manuscript repraesentati sun[t] in repraesentantur emendatum

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