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《灵界经历》 第431节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 431

431. The state of beggars in the other life

The fantasy of those who had been begging for a long time and finally had come to take pleasure in it, and thus because of their idle life and aversion for working to procure food and like necessaries, is that they appear naked except for filthy shreds as clothing. They seem to themselves to be in a mass, so bunched together that they cannot be distinguished one from another. Having one with a cup, they beg for alms, and wherever they encounter people they beg.

I heard from them that what is said about beggars is true, that they want nothing but money, despise clothing and food, live wickedly amongst themselves, quarreling, and so forth; that they hate work, sometimes living voluptuously in all luxury, squandering money, harshly demanding to know what each one has gotten; that they had set up a sort of government among themselves, and want this to be a secret. 1747, 30 December. Note that the beggars [spoken of] here are such as had been beggars in their lives. So it is their existence, because they had had no other ambition.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 431


The state of those who have been beggars for a long time, and at length have taken pleasure therein, and thus from a lazy life [have acquired] an aversion to a life of labor whereby they might obtain for themselves food and the like necessities, is that they appear naked, with most loathsome fragments of garments. They seem to themselves about to be gathered together into a globe, so that they cannot be separated; thus they cling together. They have one of their numbers with a small vessel, and they beg alms; wherever they meet others, they beg in this way. I heard from them that what is said about beggars is true: that they desire nothing but money, and have a contempt for garments and food; that among themselves they live wickedly, in bickerings and the like; that they abhor work, and sometimes live luxuriously in every kind of luxury, despising money, inquiring sharply what each has obtained; that they have instituted a kind of government amongst themselves, and desire that this be kept secret. 1747, Dec. 30. Obs. The beggars here described are those who have been such during their life. Their life is like that because they have had no other cupidity.

Experientiae Spirituales 431 (original Latin 1748-1764)

431. Status mendicantium in altera [vita] 1

Qui diu mendicarunt, et tandem in [eo] voluptatem ceperunt, et sic ex vita otiosa, ac aversionem pro vita laboris, ut sibi comparent victum, et similia, talium 1

est, quod nudi appareant, cum fragmentis teterrimis vestium, conglobatim sibi videntur, sic ut non discemi queant, ita cohaerent, habent unum cum vasculo, et petunt eleemosinam, ubicunque inveniunt alios, ita petunt: ex iis audiebam, quod verum sit, quod de mendicantibus dicitur, quod nihil cupiant nisi pecunias, vestes et victum contemnant, quod inter se impie vivant, in jurgiis, et similibus, abhorreant laborem, vivant quandoque luxuriose, in omni luxuria, contemnentes pecuniam, inquirentes acerbe, quid quisque obtinuerint, inter se regimen quoddam instituerint, et quod hoc secretum esse cupiant 2

. 1747, 30 Dec. Obs. quod mendicantes ii hic sunt, qui tales fuerunt in vita; ita eorum vita est, quia nullam aliam cupiditatem habuerunt.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

1. inclarum in the Manuscript

2. nisi legeris cupiunt

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